Aug. 20, 1540 – The DeSoto Expedition departed the ancient
Indian town of Coosa (Cosa, Coca), which was located on the east bank of
Talladega Creek, 1.5 miles northeast of Childersburg in Talladega County, Ala.
They arrived at the town on July 16, 1540.
Aug. 20, 1692 – In connection with the Salem witchcraft
trials, Margaret Jacobs recanted the testimony that led to the execution of her
grandfather, George Jacobs Sr., and George Burroughs.
Aug. 20, 1707 – The first Siege of Pensacola came to an end
with the failure of the British to capture Pensacola, Florida.
Aug. 20, 1741 - Danish navigator Vitus Jonas Bering
discovered Alaska.
Aug. 20, 1775 – The Spanish established the Presidio San
Augustin del Tucson in the town that became Tucson, Arizona.
Aug. 20, 1794 – At the Battle of
Fallen Timbers, General “Mad Anthony” Wayne proved that the fragile young
American republic could counter a military threat when he put down Shawnee
Chief Blue Jacket’s confederacy near present-day Toledo, Ohio, with the newly
created 3,000-man strong Legion of the United States.
Aug. 20, 1800 – In an incident attributed to the Bermuda
Triangle, the USS Pickering disappeared with a crew of 90 while en route to
Guadeloupe in the West Indies from New Castle, Delaware.
Aug. 20, 1804 - Sergeant Charles
Floyd died three months into the voyage of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark,
becoming the only member of the Corps of Discovery to die during the journey.
Lewis read the funeral service, and the two captains concluded the ceremony by
naming the nearby stream Floyds River and the hill Floyds Bluff. Based on the
symptoms described by Lewis and Clark, modern physicians have concluded that
Floyd was probably died of peritonitis caused by a ruptured appendix.
Aug. 20, 1824 – During his extended tour of the United
States, the Marquis de Lafayette left New York City and made several
stops on his way to Bridgeport, Conn., stopping in Harlem, New Rochelle, Byram
Bridge and Putnam Hill in Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk, Saugatuck (Westport)
and Fairfield before reaching Bridgeport and staying at the Washington Hotel.
Aug. 20, 1832 – David Holmes passed away in Winchester, Va.
at the age of 63. On June 5, 1815, as the Territorial Governor of Mississippi,
Holmes would establish Monroe County by proclamation. During his life, Holmes
served as a U.S. Congressman, Governor of the Mississippi Territory, Governor
of the State of Mississippi and as a U.S. Senator. Born on March 10, 1769 in
York County, Pa., he was buried in the Centenary Reformed UCC Cemetery in
Aug. 20, 1833 - Benjamin Henry Harrison, the 23rd President
of the United States, was born in North Bend, Ohio.
Aug. 20, 1847 – During the Mexican-American War, Mark B.
Travis, a younger brother of William Barrett Travis who died at the Alamo, was
said to have been wounded on this day at the Battle of Churubusco a few miles
outside of Mexico City.
Aug. 20, 1858 – Charles Darwin first published his theory of
evolution through natural selection in “The Journal of the Proceedings of the
Linnean Society of London,” alongside Alfred Russel Wallace's same theory.
Aug. 20, 1861 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Lookout Station and Fish Lake, Mo.
Aug. 20, 1861 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Hawk’s Nest and Laurel Fork Creek in W.Va.
Aug. 20, 1862 – During the Civil War, New York Tribune
editor Horace Greeley's "The Prayer of Twenty Millions" was published
in the New York Tribune, and the editorial called on U.S. President Abraham
Lincoln to declare emancipation for all slaves in Union-held territory. Lincoln
was already planning to emancipate slaves, but he did not admit it publicly
until a month later with his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
Aug. 20, 1862 – During the Civil War, skirmishes were fought
at Baton Rouge, La.; at Pilot Knob, or Edgefield Junction, Tenn.; and at
Raccoon Ford, Stevensburg, Brandy Station, Rappahannock Station and near
Kelly’s Ford in Virginia.
Aug. 20, 1862 – During the Civil
War, seven days of Federal operations began in Wayne, Stoddard and Dunklin
Counties in Missouri.
Aug. 20, 1862 – During the Civil
War, Confederate Major General Richard Taylor was assigned to the command of
the District of West Louisiana.
Aug. 20, 1862 – During the Civil
War, Sioux Indians unsuccessfully attacked Fort Ridley in Minnesota.
Aug. 20, 1863 – During the Civil
War, an eight-day raid into Kansas by William Clarke Quantrill began.
Aug. 20, 1863 – During the Civil
War, a 12-day Federal combined arms expedition originating from Vicksburg,
Miss. and ending at Monroe, La. began.
Aug. 20, 1863 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Panola, Miss.
Aug. 20, 1863 – During the Civil
War, the Federal bombardment of Fort Sumter, S.C. continued.
Aug. 20, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Rocheport, Mo.; at Pine Bluff, Tenn.; at
Berryville and at Opequon Creek in Virginia; and at Bulltown, W.Va.
Aug. 20, 1864 – During the Civil
War, Legareville, S.C. was burned by Federal forces.
Aug. 20, 1866 - U.S. President Andrew Johnson formally
declared that the American Civil War was over even though fighting had stopped
months earlier.
Aug. 20, 1868 – The seven-acre Goldsmith and Frohlichstein
extension was added to Magnolia Cemetery in Mobile, Ala., adjacent to the
Jewish Rest section. The elevated and highly desirable plots in this section
eventually became the resting place for both Jews and Gentiles, and came to
contain some of the more elaborate sculptures and mausolea in the entire
Aug. 20, 1879 – Between Monroeville and Perdue Hill, a posse
made up of Jonathan I. Watson, W.C. Tucker and Dr. Henry Rankin arrested murder
suspect Charles Roberts, who had escaped with four other men from the Monroe
County Jail the day before. Roberts apparently had been trying to make his way
back to his former home at Claiborne, Ala., but was found completely exhausted
after having walked, apparently lost in the dark, all night. He was taken back
to jail, put in an iron cage and placed in shackles and irons.
Aug. 20, 1882
– Tchaikovsky's “1812 Overture”
debuted in Moscow, Russia.
Aug. 20, 1886 – The Monroe Journal reported that, in the
last issue of The Greenville Advocate, it was reported that Judge John K. Henry
had died at his home in Greenville a few days before. Henry was born in Hancock
County, Ga. on March 23, 1814, and was at one time a resident of Claiborne, and
afterwards lived near Bell’s Landing.
Aug. 20, 1886 – The Monroe Journal reported that Sheriff
Burns “had the misfortune to lose his horse. This is a serious loss to the
Aug. 20, 1890 – Howard Phillips “H.P.” Lovecraft was born at
9 a.m. at his family home on Angell Street in Providence, Rhode Island.
Lovecraft went on to become a writer of horror, fantasy, and science-fiction,
which was known back in his day as simply "weird fiction." He
introduced the Cthulhu Mythos, in which characters had encounters with powerful
and horrendous prehistoric beings, as well as the Necronomicon, a fictional
grimoire of magical and forbidden lore.
Aug. 20, 1896 – Mrs. W.Y. Johnson died at Mexia on this
Thursday after a protracted illness.
Aug. 20, 1908 – National Baseball Hall of Fame catcher and
manager Al Lopez was born in Tampa, Fla. During his career, he played for the
Brooklyn Robins/Dodgers, the Boston Bees, the Pittsburgh Pirates and the
Cleveland Indians and he also managed the Indians and the Chicago White Sox. He
was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1977.
Aug. 20, 1914 – During World War I, Brussels was captured
during the German invasion of Belgium.
Aug. 20, 1918 – Novelist Jacqueline Susann was born in
Philadelphia, Pa. She is best remembered for her 1966 novel, “Valley of the
Aug. 20, 1920 – Professional football was born when seven
men met to organize a professional football league at the Jordan and Hupmobile
Auto Showroom in Canton, Ohio. The meeting led to the creation of the American
Professional Football Conference, the forerunner of the National Football
Aug. 20, 1920 – The first commercial radio station, 8MK (now
WWJ), began operations in Detroit, Mich.
Aug. 20, 1926 - Dr. W.R. Carter of Repton was among Monroeville
friends on this Friday.
Aug. 20, 1932 - In Flanders, Belgium, the German artist
Kathe Kollwitz unveiled the monument she created to memorialize her son, Peter,
along with the hundreds of thousands of other soldiers killed on the
battlefields of the Western Front during World War I.
Aug. 20, 1937 - Dixie Bibb Graves took her seat in the U.S.
Senate to become Alabama's first female senator. Only the fourth woman to serve
as a U.S. senator, Graves had been appointed by her husband, Gov. Bibb Graves,
to succeed Hugo Black, who had been appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Aug. 20, 1938 – Lou Gehrig hit his 23rd career grand slam, a
record that stood for 75 years until it was broken by Alex Rodriguez.
Aug. 20, 1940 – During World War II, British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill made the fourth of his famous wartime speeches, containing the
line "Never was so much owed by so many to so few." The Battle of
Britain was raging, and he was referring to the small group of the Royal Air
Force who had successfully held off the much larger Luftwaffe, the German air
Aug. 20, 1945 - Tommy Brown of the Brooklyn Dodgers became
the youngest player to hit a home run in a Major League Baseball game. Brown
was 17 years, 8 months and 14 days old.
Aug. 20, 1948 – Poet Heather McHugh was born in San Diego,
Aug. 20, 1949 - Cleveland’s Indians and Chicago’s White Sox
played at Municipal Stadium in Cleveland before the largest crowd, 78,382
people, to see a nighttime Major League Baseball game.
Aug. 20, 1951 – Preseason practice was scheduled to begin at
Evergreen High School under head coach Wendell Hart. All players were asked to
meet at the Memorial Gym at 2 p.m., and the Aggies were scheduled to open the
1951 season on Sept. 14 against Millry in Evergreen, Ala.
Aug. 20, 1954 - President
Eisenhower approved a National Security Council paper titled “Review of U.S.
Policy in the Far East.” This paper supported Secretary of State Dulles’ view
that the United States should support Diem, while encouraging him to broaden
his government and establish more democratic institutions.
Aug. 20, 1965 - Civil rights worker
Jonathan Daniels, a white Episcopal seminary student from Keene, New Hampshire,
was murdered by shotgun at point-blank range in Hayneville in Lowndes County,
Ala. Special (and unpaid) deputy sheriff Tom Coleman, an ardent segregationist,
admitted to the shooting, but was acquitted by an all-white jury six weeks
later. It’s said that Daniels sacrificed his life for young black activist Ruby
Sales whom he pushed out of the way of the blast.
Aug. 20, 1971 - General Duong Van
Minh and Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky, fellow candidates for the October
presidential election, accused incumbent President Nguyen Van Thieu of rigging
the election and withdrew from the race.
Aug. 20, 1971 - In the United
States, the FBI began investigating journalist Daniel Schorr, who was targeted
by the Nixon administration because of his critical reporting of the
president’s handling of the situation in Vietnam.
Aug. 20, 1974 - In the wake of
Nixon’s resignation, Congress reduced military aid to South Vietnam from $1 billion
to $700 million, one of several actions that signaled the North Vietnamese that
the United States was backing away from its commitment to South Vietnam.
Aug. 20, 1975 – As part of its Viking program, NASA launched
the Viking 1 planetary probe
toward Mars.
Aug. 20, 1975 – NFL defensive back and running back Elijah
Williams was born in Milton, Fla. He went on to play for Milton High School,
the University of Florida and the Atlanta Falcons.
Aug. 20, 1976
– Major League Baseball outfielder Gene Kingsale was born in Solito, Aruba. He
went on to play for the Baltimore Orioles, the Seattle Mariners, the San Diego
Padres and the Detroit Tigers.
Aug. 20, 1976
– Actress, producer and screenwriter Kristen Miller was born in Manhattan
Beach, Calif.
Aug. 20, 1977 – Crop duster Gary Earl Geck, 26, of
Castleberry, Ala. was killed in plane crash in a wooded area on the Appleton
Road in the southwestern section of Conecuh County. He was buried in the
Holland Cemetery in Castleberry.
Aug. 20, 1977 - Voyager 2 was launched by the United States.
The spacecraft was carrying a 12-inch copper phonograph record containing
greetings in dozens of languages, samples of music and sounds of nature.
Aug. 20, 1981 - Evergreen Chamber of Commerce President Bill
McKenzie announced that the Chamber had moved its offices into the “agent’s
office” of the historical L&N Depot. Before that, the Chamber’s offices
were in the old library building. Mrs. Jackie Barlow, secretary, was to
continue to maintain the same office hours, 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday through
Friday. The Chamber has also taken over the management of The Depot, according
to Mrs. Wiley (Ouida) Salter of the Murder Creek Historical Society, although
the Society would continue to own the building.
Aug. 20, 1988
– During the Iran–Iraq War, a ceasefire was agreed to after almost eight years
of war.
Aug. 20, 1994 – Chris McCutcheon, 17, of Evergreen, Ala. was
critically injured when the 1993 Honda Prelude he was driving collided with a
northbound CSX train around 10:15 a.m. at the railroad cross near the Old Depot
in downtown Evergreen.
Aug. 20, 1997 - Alabama Governor Fob James joined the mayors
of Montgomery and Georgiana, Ala. in the Alabama State Capitol to dedicate a
50-mile stretch of Interstate 65 to the memory of Hank Williams. The section of
roadway was renamed the "Hank Williams Memorial Lost Highway."
Aug. 20, 1998 - The U.N. Security Council extended trade
sanctions against Iraq for blocking arms inspections.
Aug. 20, 2002
– A group of Iraqis opposed to the regime of Saddam Hussein took over the Iraqi
Embassy in Berlin, Germany for five hours before releasing their hostages and
Aug. 20, 2005 - Thomas Herrion of the San Francisco 49ers
collapsed and died after a preseason game in Denver.
Aug. 20, 2008 – Beatrice, Ala. native and NFL player
Clarence “Butch” Edmund Avinger passed away at the age of 79 in Birmingham.
Avinger played quarterback at Alabama and was a first-round pick (ninth
overall) of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 1951 Draft. He would debut in the
NFL with the New York Giants in 1953 and played a total of 12 pro games.
Aug. 20, 2008 – Pro Football Hall of Fame left guard Gene
Upshaw died at the age of 63 in Lake Tahoe, Calif. During his career, he played
for Texas A&M-Kingsville and the Oakland Raiders. He was inducted into the
Hall of Fame in 1987.
Aug. 20, 2010 - A federal grand jury indicted former
baseball player Roger Clemens for lying to the U.S. Congress about steroid use.
The trial ended in a mistrial.
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