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Grave of Monroe Agee Stanford in Phoenix, Arizona. |
The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the
direction of editor and proprietor Q. Salter, published five editions 100 years
ago during the month of August 1917. Those five issues, which were dated Aug.
2, Aug. 9, Aug. 16, Aug. 23 and Aug. 30, can be found on microfilm at the
Monroe County Library in Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news
highlights from those five editions. Enjoy.
AUG. 2, 1917
Mr. M.A. Stanford of Phoenix, Arizona, who is spending a few
weeks among relatives and friends in Alabama, was a visitor to Monroeville last
week. Mr. Stanford is a native of Monroe but removed to the west soon after the
Civil War and had not revisited the county for 53 years. Few of the friends of
his youth remained to greet him, while changes in the physical aspects of the
country were quite as marked. Mr. Stanford’s description of farming under the
irrigation system in the west was quite interesting to those unfamiliar with
the mode of operations.
On Monday afternoon, the residence of Mr. Hugh Cameron was
struck by lightning which did considerable damage to the house. Mrs. Cameron
and two children were rendered unconscious for several minutes by the shock.
The little son of Mr. F.E. Marshall, who was playing under the house received a
more severe shock, being slightly burned about the chest. We are glad to note
that the little fellow was not injured as badly as was first thought.
The Town Council has awarded the contract for the erection
of the new grammar school building to Mr. J.M. Daniel, one of our local contractors.
The building will be a single-story brick structure conforming to plans of the
state department of education. It will contain four commodious classrooms,
well-lighted and ventilated. It will be situated on the grounds adjacent to the
present city school building and will cost with furnishings $6,000 or more.
Work will begin as soon as the materials can be assembled, and it is hoped to
have the building ready for occupancy by October.
AUG. 9, 1917
CAPT. T.A. NETTLES DEAD: Leading Citizen of County Called to
His Final Reward: Capt. Thomas A. Nettles died at his home near Tunnel Springs
at 11:15 on Friday night, Aug. 3, in the 75th year of his age.
Captain Nettles was a native of Monroe County and for upward
of 40 years had been prominent in the business and political life of his county
and community, identified with every movement and enterprise looking to
material development and social and educational uplift.
Captain Nettles enlisted in the service of the Southern
Confederacy at an early period of the War Between the States and became a
Sergeant in Co. B, Third Alabama Cavalry, and was captured at Shelbyville in
June 1863 and paroled at Camp Douglas for exchange in February 1865. He was an
enthusiastic member of the Alabama Division United Confederate Veterans and
served for several years on the staff of General Hooper, commander of the
Alabama Division, with the rank of major. Until failing health deprived him of
the privilege, he was a regular attendant at the annual reunions, both state
and general. The uniform of grey he loved so well constituted the cerements for
his burial while the casket contained his mortal remains was of the same symbolic
color. A number of his former comrades in arms sorrowfully followed to the
place of sepulture.
The funeral took place at Tunnel Springs cemetery Sunday
afternoon, the religious service being conducted by his pastor, Rev. S.P.
Lindsey, and concluded with the beautiful, yet solemn and impressive ritual of the
Masonic fraternity.
AUG. 16, 1917
Mr. A.C. Lee and ye editor were business visitors to New
Orleans last week.
Miss Jennie Faulk left a few days ago for Atlanta to select
her fall stock of millinery. Her numerous friends and patrons will await with
impatience her return and the announcement of her season opening.
The work of demolishing the old grammar school building is
well advanced and the material for the new brick structure is arriving. Dirt
will be broken for the erection of the new edifice within a few days and the
building will be rushed to completion as rapidly as possible. It is hoped to
have it ready for occupancy by the usual date for the opening of the school
After canvassing a portion of the county, Prof. W.L. Porter
reports the prospects favorable for a prosperous opening of the seventh annual
session of the Monroe County High School on the 10th of September.
Practically all undergraduates in school last session signify their intention
of returning, while a number of public school pupils who were awarded seventh
grade certificates at the recent examinations will probably enter the High
School next session.
Rev. A.J. Kempton has accepted calls to the pastorate of the
Baptist churches at Excel and Ollie for the remainder of the year. The Ollie
church is served on the afternoon of the first Sabbath in each month; Excel,
morning and evening of the second Sunday. The appointment at Roy on the third
Sunday, morning and evening, will be continued as at present.
AUG. 23, 1917
Pat Byrd, proprietor of a restaurant at Roy, was fatally
stabbed by a young man by the name of Stewart on Tuesday night. It is said that
Stewart entered Byrd’s place and began using profane and indecent language;
refusing to retire at Byrd’s request, the latter undertook to expel him.
Stewart drew his knife and stabbed Byrd to the heart. Stewart is in jail.
Four individual electric lighting plants are now in
operation in Monroeville and the fifth is soon to be installed. The owners of
these plants are delighted with their convenience and the comfort afforded by
the numerous fans operated.
Mr. John L. Kearley has accepted a position with the Peoples
Bank of Roy and removed with his family to that place the early part of the
Dr. W.B. Simmons of Piedmont, S.C., accompanied by Mrs.
Simmons and their little son, is here for a few days visit to his mother and
other relatives.
The Journal is pleased to note as an evidence of Monroeville’s
growing commercial importance that we shall have this season a resident cotton
buyer in the person of Mr. R.D. Hendrix, whose card will be found elsewhere in
today’s paper. Mr. Hendrix has opened an office in the Fore building and will
keep in close telegraphic touch with the leading markets and be prepared to pay
spot cash for cotton.
MONROE'S QUOTA SECURED: The local Board has concluded its
examination of registrants under the first call and has certified to the district
board the names of 211 persons who have not been exempted or discharged from
military service.
AUG. 30, 1917
Death of Joseph M. Dees: Friends at Peterman and surrounding
communities learned with sincere regret of the death of Mr. Joseph M. Dees of
Peterman at a hospital in Selma on Wed., Aug. 15, at four o’clock following an
operation. The remains reached Peterman Thursday, where it was laid to rest by
Revs. Lindsey and Williams and a large number of friends.
The city dads are having another well drilled near the well
sunk a few weeks ago. It is hoped that with two wells a constant and adequate
supply of water may be available.
All arrangements have been perfected for the prompt and
simultaneous opening of the public schools of the county on Oct. 1. A number of
new buildings are in course of erection at more central points, a number of
others enlarged and made more comfortable, while several have been granted an
increased teaching force. The compulsory attendance law goes into effect with
the new school year and every effort is being made by the school authorities to
meet the new situation.
Mr. J.H. Moore of Perdue Hill was here Thursday circulating
among his numerous friends. Mr. Moore has two sons in the service of their
country, W. Locklin being in the officers training camp at Ft. Oglethorpe, and
John Hope Jr. at the naval training station, Norfolk.
The County Board of Exemptions and local physicians have
been busy for the last two days in the examination of 200 registrants under the
second call of reserves.
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