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George Buster Singleton |
(For decades, local historian and paranormal investigator
George “Buster” Singleton published a weekly newspaper column called “Somewhere
in Time.” The column below, which was titled “Midwife became a trusted mentor
for a boy born in a thunderstorm” was originally published in the April 12,
1990 edition of The Monroe Journal in Monroeville, Ala.)
Almost everyone is born during unusual circumstances, such
as being born early or being born late. There are those who were born while
visiting Aunt Nancy, or while Mom and Pop were on vacation.
This was true when I was born. I was born two weeks early
during the wee hours of the morning of Dec. 14. According to all calculations,
I was supposed to come into this world somewhere between Christmas and New Year’s.
But this was not the case. From all accounts, I was a total surprise to
everyone; and this is the story of my life.
To make matters worse, the night that I made my entry into
this old world, a severe thunderstorm was raging. My oldest brother was dragged
from a deep sleep, to hear him tell it, and he departed on horseback to summon
the country doctor who was to deliver me. I think my brother always held this
against me because he said he nearly drowned that night riding the 10 miles or
so in search of the doctor who wasn’t there.
Doctor was away
Because I was arriving early and no one was expecting me,
the old doctor was gone to attend another patient in another neighborhood and
wasn’t expected to return until the next day.
Since I wouldn’t wait for the doctor to deliver me, the
trusted and faithful Aunt Lellia was brought into the action. Aunt Lellia was
an old woman who lived nearby. Since she didn’t have a family to care for her,
she was almost totally dependent on my family for survival. This wasn’t a
problem because we always had enough food for two or three extra people at each
meal, and Aunt Lellia was always near to help my mother if help was needed.
Aunt Lellia was a very knowledgeable midwife; about half of the population
around the community had been delivered by this wonderful woman.
So, as the thunderstorm raged outside in the darkness, dear
Aunt Lellia, by the light of a kerosene lamp, brought me into this world. The
story goes that I was claimed, right there on the spot, by Aunt Lellia. “This
is my baby,” she stated.
From that day forward, this grand old lady did most of the looking
after me. She was my constant companion during the days when I struggled along,
learning to crawl and then take my first steps. Even into young manhood, Aunt
Lellia saw to it that I received the proper counseling to guide me through the
turmoils of life where many others had failed.
All-knowing but loving
She could have been an asset to the FBI. She knew
everything; she did not hesitate to approve or disapprove my childhood
sweethearts. But as the years passed, I came to realize that this wonderful and
lovely old woman loved me dearly.
As a young boy, I got myself into many situations that I
might have been spanked for. But always, dear Aunt Lellia stood between me and
the peach tree switch that my mother was so handy with. Many times later, I
thought about how this wonderful woman would have made an outstanding lawyer,
had she been given the opportunity. She never had to think for an answer; the
right one was always there.
I remember the time when I contracted the dreaded red
measles. They wouldn’t break out on me; I became very sick. Aunt Lellia came to
the rescue with some kind of evil tasting hot tea. Upon being threatened by
both my mother and Aunt Lellia, I finally drank the terrible mixture.
I was told to go to sleep and that I would be broken out by
morning. Sure enough, the next morning I was as red as I could be, and there
wasn’t a place on my body that didn’t have a red measles pimple on it. When I
asked Aunt Lellia what she had made the awful tea out of, I nearly got sick all
over again; she had made it out of the bark from a red oak tree, among other
During the cold months of winter, should a cold threaten,
the treatment was a “sally cloth.” This was a piece of flannel about the size
of a large handkerchief. All kinds of strong smelling salves and mixtures were
rubbed on the piece of flannel. To top it off, the flannel was saturated with
plenty of red liniment.
You pulled your nightshirt up as high as you could get it.
Aunt Lellia had been holding the piece of flannel close to the hot stove. When
she thought it was hot enough, she would place the very hot cloth on your
chest. When this happened, it seemed that hot steam came out of your nose and
But this remedy was a sure cure for coughs and colds. The
evil-smelling cloth was pinned to your nightshirt, and it remained there until
you got out of bed the next day. I couldn’t blame the bad cold for leaving; it
was hard enough to stay there myself.
Then, as spring appeared on the scene, the time was at hand
for the usual dose of the spring tonic that Aunt Lellia would conjure up. This
annual tonic taking was to cleanse your system for the coming spring and
summer; it did just that. It was also intended to keep away fever and other
things, such as boils and malaria. This tonic would have won any contest as
being the worst-tasting liquid that could touch the lips of man. But we knew it
was coming, just as sure as the seasons changed and spring appeared on the
Stand up and swallow
The tonic doses didn’t stop when one grew out of childhood.
Can you imagine a 190-pound high school fullback being made to stand and
swallow this terrible mixture, all the while being threatened with a spanking
if it wasn’t swallowed? And I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Aunt Lellia
would have done just that.
My last and final dosage was during the first days of April
1946. I was completing my senior year in high school. This was the last spring
tonic that Aunt Lellia would ever conjure up.
So, you see, the life of a boy born in a terrible
thunderstorm was one that will always be remembered. And the beautiful people
who contributed to my upbringing and well-being will forever dwell within my
(Singleton, the author
of the 1991 book “Of Foxfire and Phantom Soldiers,” passed away at the age of
79 on July 19, 2007. A longtime resident of Monroeville, he was born during a late-night
thunderstorm on Dec. 14, 1927 in Marengo County, graduated from Sweet Water
High School in 1946, served in the Korean War, lived for a time among Apache
Indians, moved to Monroe County on June 28, 1964 and served as the
administrator of the Monroeville National Guard unit from 1964 to 1987. For
years, Singleton’s column “Somewhere in Time” appeared in The Monroe Journal,
and he wrote a lengthy series of articles about Monroe County that appeared in
Alabama Life magazine. Some of his earlier columns also appeared under the
heading of “Monroe County History: Did You Know?” He is buried in Pineville
Cemetery in Monroeville. The column above and all of Singleton’s other columns
are available to the public through the microfilm records at the Monroe County
Public Library in Monroeville. Singleton’s columns are presented here each week
for research and scholarship purposes and as part of an effort to keep his work
and memory alive.)
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