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U.S. Senator Hugo Black of Alabama. |
DEC. 23, 1971
A pre-dawn tornado whistled through the southeastern section
of the Uriah community Monday, injuring at least one person and wreaking
destruction upon houses, J.U. Blacksher School and the First Baptist Church of
Mrs. Archie Covington, wife of J.U. Blacksher band director,
suffered lacerations of the face and leg.
The First Baptist Church of Uriah and the J.U. Blacksher
School had heavy water and window damage.
Monroe’s Lazenby receives All-State honor: K.J. Lazenby, an
interior lineman for Monroe Academy’s football Volunteers, has been selected by
The Birmingham Post-Herald as a member of its consensus All-State Team.
The young, 210-pound Lazenby is the only junior on the
Post-Herald All-State squad, and the only private school player represented.
His previous honors include selection as the Alabama Private School
Association’s Most Valuable Player.
Seventeen-year-old Mary Clyde Duvall, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee R. Duvall of Monroeville, is Monroe County’s 1972 Junior Miss.
Selection of the pretty member of the senior class at Monroe
County High School came last Saturday night at the annual pageant held here
under the sponsorship of the Monroeville Jaycees.
Crowned by 1971 Junior Miss Patsy Mattmuller, Miss Duvall
also won awards for poise and appearance and youth fitness.
DEC. 22, 1955
Monroeville Soldier In German Ceremony: Mainz, Germany, Dec.
22 – Army PFC Robert L. Morrison, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Morrison,
Monroeville, recently took part in ceremonies in Mainz, Germany, celebrating
the anniversary of the organization of his unit, the 42nd Armored
Infantry Battalion.
Morrison is a rifleman in his unit.
MCHS Tigers Down UMS Five, 61-35: The Monroeville Tigers
downed the UMS Cadets by the score of 61 to 35 for their fourth win against one
defeat of the 1955-56 basketball season.
The Tigers were led by forward Grayson Simmons with 23
points, and next was Scobie Branson with 12 points.
A.C. Lee spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Molly and Edwin
Lee in Auburn.
Santa Will Appear In Excel Saturday: Santa Claus will make
an annual appearance in the Town of Excel on Christmas Eve Day between the
hours of 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.
Santa will be welcomed at Excel by the high school bands
from Excel and Uriah. He will parade through town atop the fire engine and then
will stop in the center of town to talk to youngsters and take Christmas
Introduction of new officers will be one of the features on
program at the annual Monroeville Chamber of Commerce banquet Jan. 17 at 7:30
p.m. in the Community House in Vanity Fair Park.
New officials to assume office include Norman Barnett,
president; Lee R. Duvall, first vice-president; J.T. Morgan, second vice-president;
and M.L. Bergman, secretary.
DEC. 26, 1940
Fifteen Prisoners Go To Kilby Prison: When the driver of the
State transfer truck pulled up to the county jail last Saturday afternoon,
Sheriff J.L. Bowden had 15 prisoners ready for the trip to Kilby Prison. These
prisoners were convicted at the recent term of the Circuit Court, and will
begin serving their respective terms.
Mr. George Thomas Jones, student at Emory University,
Atlanta, arrived Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lucian Jones.
Mr. Edwin Lee spent Monday in Birmingham. He was accompanied
home by Miss Alice Lee, who will spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A.C. Lee.
County Gives $975.75 In Red Cross Drive: A check of the
annual Red Cross Roll Call held in Monroe County has just been completed, and
the membership is a record for this county, the total being $975.75.
The different communities, business establishments, and the
amount contributed follows: Monroe Mills, $276.75; McCall Mill, $70; Wood
Products Co., $24; Monroeville (Residential District), $75.45; Monroeville
(Business District), $114; Monroeville Schools, $31; CCC Camp, $11, Total,
Beatrice, $83.40; Peterman, $26; Drewry, $14; Peach Tree,
$7; Uriah, $47.95; Franklin, $28.25; Tinela, $7; Buena Vista $16.65;
Vredenburgh, $23; Claiborne, $6; Excel School, $19; Wainwright, $2; Perdue
Hill, $5.25; Frisco City School, $18; Frisco City Girls Scouts, $1; Frisco City
(Town), $33.60; Burnt Corn, $6; Colored People, $20.45; Miscellaneous, $6;
Grand Total, $975.75.
DEC. 24, 1925
The Monroe County High School and City Grammar School
suspended work on Tuesday for the usual vacation. Work will be resumed on Mon.,
Jan. 4.
Hon. Hugo Black of Birmingham was a visitor to Monroeville
last week. Mr. Black is an aspirant for the Democratic nomination to the United
States Senate to succeed Senator Underwood and is making preliminary visits to
sections of the state in order to extend his acquaintance among the voters.
KILLED BY TRAIN: While crossing the railroad track at
Beatrice on Monday Mrs. Belle S. Ivey was struck by the southbound L&N
train and fatally injured, death resulting a short time after the unfortunate
accident. Mrs. Ivey was the widow of the late Mr. William Ivey and was a member
of a prominent family. Her untimely death is greatly regretted by a large
circle of friends.
Mr. Joe Joe Nettles of Mexia was in town Wednesday and
reported some damage to gardens on account of the freeze Tuesday night.
Chapter 155, O.E.S., has been officially notified that the grand matron, Mrs.
Julia M. Beauchamp, and her grand deputy, Mrs. Sada Deer, of the Grand Chapter
of Alabama, will be with Monroeville chapter on Jan. 14 to hold the school of
instruction for the Monroe County District, beginning at 2 p.m.
Monroeville chapter appreciates the honor and takes pleasure
in extending a cordial invitation to all chapters in the district. Supper will
be served to the visitors.
DEC. 22, 1910
Prof. R.O. Binford, principal of the Monroe Institute, will
spend his holiday vacation with relatives at Cordele, Ga.
Representative J.W. Jones was up from Jones Mill Monday. Mr.
Jones is preparing to assume his duties as a member of the next legislature and
would be pleased to have suggestions from such of his constituents as may be
interested in any character of local or general legislation.
J.B. Barnett, Esq., returned home Saturday after a vacation
of several weeks. Mr. Barnett made a voyage to Central America during his
absence, his objective being the Panama Canal, but on account of quarantine
restrictions he was not permitted to inspect the great construction work now in
progress there, the vessel on which he was passenger having touched at a port
under the ban.
Dr. T.E. Dennis and party have returned from a delightful
hunting expedition. They spent several days in camp in the fork of the Alabama
and Tombigbee rivers. They report game plentiful and the party bagged several
fine bucks, a bear and other smaller game. Capt. John McDuffie killed his first
buck while a second was slain by Robinson Nettles, the 14-year-old son of Capt.
Thomas B. Nettles.
The pupils of Mineola school will give an entertainment at
Mineola schoolhouse Friday night, Jan. 6, beginning promptly at eight o’clock.
Two popular plays, “The Sweet Family” and “Wooing Jane,” will be the feature of
the occasion. Lots of fun for all. Refreshments will be served. Everybody
cordially invited to attend. The proceeds will be for the benefit of Mineola
school. Admission 25 cents, children 10 cents.
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