A search for UFO reports in Alabama between July 1 and July
31 on MUFON’s website, www.mufon.com, resulted in eight reports from within our
state during that time.
The first incident occurred on Thurs., July 3, around 9:45
p.m. near Birmingham. The witness in this case had just left a friend’s house
in Vestavia and had opened their car’s sunroof. When he looked up through the
sunroof, he saw a “bright object” that looked like a bright star except that
this object began to “bounce” erratically and made sharp turns in the sky, all
while remaining in the same part of the sky.
The second incident occurred on Fri., July 4, around
midnight in Madison, just outside Huntsville, and was witnessed by five
individuals who were outside. They reported seeing an orange, “orb-like”
object, with “almost a white edge,” moving silently south over the treeline.
The object then took a hard turn west and disappeared.
The third incident occurred on Mon., July 7, at 11:33 p.m.
in Huntsville and was witnessed by three people. They were out for a walk and
saw what they at first thought was a low-flying airplane. The “strange” craft
had two red lights on its “outer parts” and one blue light in the center.
Sounds from the object also seemed “displaced,” witnesses said, as if the sound
from the object was moving slower than the object itself.
When the object got closer, witnesses said that they could
tell it wasn’t a plane, but looked like “three triangles connected to one
another.” Each triangle appeared to have an individual light on it, and the
lights were gold-colored. Eventually, the object stopped emitting noise and
began moving toward the witnesses. The craft was about 50 feet off the ground,
and after the witnesses got a good look at it, it flew in a circle a few times,
rose in the air and disappeared.
The fourth incident occurred on Mon., July 14, at 7:50 p.m.
in Bessemer and was witnessed by two people. One of the witnesses reported that
he was out walking when he saw a “bright, star-like” object moving west. That
witness ran inside to get his mother, and she came out and saw the object as
They felt the object was moving too slow for it to be a
satellite, and it didn’t appear to be a weather balloon because “it had a very
star-like, glowing quality of light to it.” Using binoculars, they noticed that
the object was bullet-shaped, not round, and was outlined in red. Eventually,
the object appeared to separate into two halves before disappearing altogether.
The fifth incident occurred on Wed., July 16, at 7:35 p.m.
in Calera and was witnessed by a husband and wife couple in their backyard. The
sky was clear, and the husband happened to look up and see a passing airliner
that was probably at an altitude of over 35,000 feet. The husband then noticed
a “bright, star-like” object not far from the plane, and the husband and wife both
thought it was odd that the object was so bright, considering how much daylight
was still left at that time of day. The airline passed overhead and the object
rose quickly and disappeared.
The sixth incident occurred later that same day, Wed., July
16, around 10 p.m. in Gulf Shores and was witnessed by two people who were on
the beach looking out over the Gulf of Mexico. They reported seeing a flying,
reddish-orange ball of light that was hovering over the water, moving west. It
eventually stopped and disappeared by flying into the water.
The seventh incident occurred on Fri., July 25, around 11:30
p.m. in Albertville and was witnessed by a former helicopter mechanic and a
woman who were outside. They reported seeing a light that was “bigger than a
star” and glowed white, red, amber and green. At first, they thought it was a
helicopter using a spotlight, but the object didn’t make any noise.
“I have worked on helicopters and know the sounds they make,
and from the distance the object was, I should have heard the engines and
blades,” the man said. They began to record the object with a video camera and
watched it for about five minutes before it disappeared.
The eighth incident occurred on Thurs., July 31, around 10
p.m. in Daleville and was witnessed by a man who lives near Fort Rucker. He
reported that he saw a UFO following a student helicopter and then an Apache
attack helicopter following the UFO. The UFO and the Apache “danced a little”
and circled one another before the UFO eventually took off, the witness
Before closing out this week, I just want to put it out
there again that I would be very interested to hear from anyone who have
witnessed a UFO, especially in Conecuh County. I think a lot of other people
would be interested in hearing your story too, and I’m willing to accept your
report anonymously. You can contact me by e-mail at courantsports@earthlink.net
or by phone at 578-1492.
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