Mr. Clark Lewis of Caledonia, who is stationed at Camp
Jackson, S.C., underwent an operation for appendicitis. Reports from his
bedside state he is rapidly recovering.
Messrs. Leon Andrews and Walter Alford Jr. left Wednesday
morning for Tuscaloosa, where they will take special training in mechanics for service
in the army. They responded to the government call for men for special
News was received here a few days previous of the death of
Mr. Theodore A. Fetticks, which occurred in Terrell, Texas, April 6. Mr.
Fetticks was married in 1894 to Miss Emily Seiburg, a native of Berlin,
Germany. He was the son of John S. and Liza Jane Fetticks of Camden. He leaves on
sister, Miss Alice, of this place to mourn his loss.
Masonic Resolutions: On the 19th day of January,
Brother W.W. McConnico died at his home near Oak Hill at the ripe old age of 79
He was born, reared and lived all his life in the old home
where he died, his life being intimately associated with Oak Hill and Wilcox
Brother McConnico was a perfect type of the old Southern
gentleman, cultured, refined and generous, with charity towards all.
He was a fluent and brilliant speaker, ever ready to defend
any cause he espoused.
Being a great reader, he talked with brilliancy and ease
upon all of the topics of the day, spreading a charm upon any circle by his
wit, tact and jolly laugh, thus revealing a warm heart and an affectionate
He was especially attractive to the young, because in spite
of his years, his heart remained young.
Brother McConnico was a Mason for over 50 years and for many
years was Master of Wilcox Lodge No. 80 and only gave up his work when he
became too feeble to attend to it.
His loyalty to Masonry was far above the average.
The brotherhood of man and a broad charity towards all the
weaknesses of human nature furnished the themes which mellowed his old age. So
when the Reaper came, he found a sheaf of golden grain fit for the Master’s
In his death, the community has lost one of its most lovable
men; the state, a just and upright citizen; Masonry, a most loyal member; and
his family, a loved and loving husband and father. And whereas, it has pleased
the Supreme Master to call brother McConnico from labor to refreshments, be it
First, that we cherish always his memory;
Second, that the recollection of his love for us all, and
his loyalty to Masonry, causes us to renew our vows, and consecrate ourselves
anew to the cause of Freemasonry;
Third, that a page be set apart in the minutes of the Lodge,
inscribed with his name;
Fourth, that we deeply sympathize with the family in their
loss, and that a copy of these resolutions be furnished them, and also copies
to the Camden papers for publication. – E.I. McBryde, R.R. Carothers, E.T.
McWilliams, Committee.
There will be a special Union service at the Methodist
Church on Sunday night. Everybody is cordially invited to attend.
NOTICE: My cattle is branded “O” in right side, tagged in
right ear. – H.H. Dale, Camden, Ala.
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