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Louise Crenshaw Ray |
May 17, 1673 – Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette began
exploring the Mississippi River.
May 17, 1756 - Britain declared war on France, beginning the
French and Indian War.
May 17, 1769 - George Washington brought several
non-importation resolutions before the Virginia House of Burgesses.
May 17, 1775 – During the American Revolutionary War, the
Continental Congress banned trade with Quebec.
May 17, 1792 - The New York Stock Exchange was founded at 70
Wall Street by 24 brokers.
May 17, 1838 – French explorer René Caillié died from
tuberculosis at the age of 38 in La
Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien, Charente-Maritime, France.
May 17, 1861 - Joseph Hooker was a
West Point graduate and a hero of the Mexican War, winning a field promotion at
the battle of Chapultepec. Unfortunately, he had somehow gotten on the wrong
side of General Winfield Scott, who was the reigning chief of the US Army
between Mexico and the Civil War. Hooker quit the army in disgust and took up
farming and business in California. When the Civil War broke out he tried to
reenlist, but Scott blocked his enlistment. Once Scott was displaced, Hooker
tried to enlist again. On this day, he was successful, appointed Brigadier
General on the defenses of Washington.
May 17, 1862 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought on the Little River in Arkansas and at the Russell
House, near Corinth, Miss. Federal reconnaissance was also conducted up the
Pamunkey River in Virginia.
May 17, 1863 – The Union army defeated Confederates at the
Battle of Big Black River in Mississippi and drove them into Vicksburg in part
of a brilliant campaign by General Ulysses S. Grant. The battle began at dawn,
and by 10 a.m. the Confederate position appeared hopeless. The Confederates
suffered 1,752 troops killed, wounded or captured, while the Yankees had 279
May 17, 1863 – During the Civil
War, Federal operations were conducted on the west side of the Mississippi
River in the vicinity of Port Hudson, La.
May 17, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought approximately three miles from Bridgeport, Miss.
and on the Bradyville Pike in Tennessee.
May 17, 1863 – During the Civil War,
Federal reconnaissance missions were conducted from La Grange, Tenn. and from
Dumfries, Virginia.
May 17-30, 1864 – 59TH ALABAMA: The 59th
Alabama took part in operations of the Bermuda Hundred front in Virginia.
May 17, 1864 – During the Civil War, a skirmish was fought
at Madison Station, Ala.
May 17, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Dardanelle, Ark.; near Moreauville and Yellow Bayou
in Louisiana; in the vicinity of Waterford, Va.; at Adairsville and at Rome in
May 17, 1864 – Confederate General
Joseph Eggleston Johnston was a very wily commander; He won few battles but was
very hard to catch. There was quite a group trying on this day. He assembled
his army at Adairsville, Ga. after a march from Calhoun. There he discovered
that General Thomas’ Federal Army of the Cumberland was in front of him.
Generals Schofield and McPherson were moving in fast on either flank.
Johnston’s solution was to split his army, sending two corps to Cassville and
the other to Kingston. Moving at night, weary as they were, they escaped the
May 17, 1864 – During the Civil
War, operations took place on the Bermuda Hundred front in Virginia.
May 17, 1873 – British author and journalist Dorothy
Richardson was born in Abingdon.
17, 1873 - Henri Barbusse, author of “Le
Feu” (“Under Fire”), the prize-winning, best-selling novel based on his
service during World War I, was born in AsniÈres, France.
May 17, 1875 - The first Kentucky Derby was run at Louisville,
Ky. and the horse Aristides came in ahead of all the others.
May 17, 1880 – The Monroe Journal reported that they had the
pleasure of meeting in their office during the previous week Dr. F.D. Thompson,
a prominent physician of Sherman, Texas, and formerly a resident of Perdue
Hill. The doctor was an “educated and cultivated gentleman, is modest and
dignified in bearing, with pleasing address and polished manners, and we are
not surprised to know that he captivated the heart and won the hand of one of
Sherman’s most wealthy and accomplished belles. We regret to learn that Dr. T
will only remain a short time with us.”
May 17, 1880 – The Monroe Journal reported that they
regretted to learn from the Montgomery Advertiser that Capt. Finegan, who had
been for many years well and favorably known along the Alabama River as a
popular and successful steamboat commander, had concluded to take his boats,
the John T. Moore, Maggie Burke, Robt. E. Lee and Lucy Grastrell, out of the
Alabama River trade and transfer them to the Memphis and Helena trade, on the
Mississippi. The many friends of Capt. Finegan in Monroe County, and all along
the Alabama River, regretted his determination to go elsewhere, but as he had
done so they wished for him both fame and fortune.
May 17, 1885 - For the second time in two years, the Apache
chief Geronimo broke out of an Arizona reservation, sparking panic among
Arizona settlers.
May 17, 1890 - Alabama poet Louise Crenshaw Ray was born in
Greenville, Ala. She published four volumes of poetry during her lifetime,
including “Color
of Steel” (1932), “Secret Shoes” (1939), “Strangers
on the Stairs” (1944) and “Autumn Token” (1957).
May 17, 1895 – Monroeville Academy’s closing exercises took
place at the Monroe County Courthouse on this Friday evening. Students in the
Primary and Intermediate grades performed a number of “appropriate
recitations,” but “the epidemic of whooping cough and measles prevailing in the
community so deranged the plans for the exercises that it was necessary to
dispense with that part of the program arranged the higher grades.”
May 17, 1896 - Rev. A.J. Lambert preached “a most excellent
sermon” on this Sunday to a large crowd at Manistee, Ala.
May 17, 1896 - Miss Mamie Boroughs, one of Pineville’s
charming young ladies, who had been teaching school at Buena Vista, returned
home on this Sunday.
May 17, 1896 - Dr. and Mrs. J.L. Sowell of Perdue Hill spent
this Sunday with Dr. Sowell’s parents in Monroeville, Ala.
May 17, 1902 – Greek archaeologist Valerios Stais discovered
the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient mechanical analog computer.
May 17, 1903 – National Baseball Hall of Fame center fielder
James Thomas “Cool Papa” Bell was born in Starkville, Miss. He went on to play
for the St. Louis Stars, the Detroit Wolves, the Kansas City Monarchs, Santo
Domingo, the Homestead Grays, the Pittsburgh Crawfords, the Memphis Red Sox and
the Chicago American Giants. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1974.
May 17, 1906 – The Monroe Journal reported, in news from the
Wilkersonville community, that Ed Austen of Awin was “pranking with a pistol
and shot a hole through his hand.”
May 17, 1906 – The Monroe Journal reported that G.A.
Fountain of Fork had been appointed Notary Public, ex-officio Justice of the
Peace for Beat 10.
May 17, 1906 – The Monroe Journal reported, in news from the
Xbec community, that the “weather is fine, and the corn is looking very well in
this section. Cotton don’t seem to be doing so well.”
May 17, 1906 – The Monroe Journal reported, in news from the
Manistee, that the “town seems to be on a boom judging from the building that
is being done.”
May 17, 1906 – The Monroe Journal reported that Judge I.B.
Slaughter was confined to his room with sickness the first of that week.
May 17, 1906 - Dr. R.A. Smith came to Monroeville from
Nadawah during the previous week on a professional visit.
May 17, 1908 – Mobile County Deputy
Sheriff Nugent on this afternoon arrested 18 ball players and Umpire Pfenninger
on charges of playing ball on a Sunday. Bond was immediately provided and the
game proceeded without interruption. The arrests of the Montgomery and Mobile
players came between the first and second innings and no one in the immense
crowd knew of the occurrence until after the game. The trial was set for June
12, when the same teams were scheduled to play in Mobile again. The arrest on
May 17 was the second for alleged violation of the Sunday baseball law that
month, and the local association announced on the night of May 17 that another
game would be played on Sunday, May 24, when Atlanta and Mobile were scheduled
to clash.
May 17, 1908 - The commencement exercises of the
Agricultural school in Evergreen began on this Sunday night with the annual
sermon preached by Rev. J.M. Dannelly of Montgomery in the Baptist church. The
sermon was one of the best that has ever been heard here on a similar occasion.
There was a large congregation present to hear him.
May 17, 1911 – Paul Knud Urik Nielsen, a 28-year-old
immigrant from Copenhagen, Denmark, arrived at the Port of New York. He would
go on to found Knud Nielsen Co. in Evergreen, Ala. two years later.
May 17, 1912 – Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback and
halfback and Major League Baseball shortstop Ace Parker was born in Portsmouth,
Va. He went on to play for Duke University, the Brooklyn Dodgers, the Boston
Yanks, the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Athletics. He was inducted
into the Hall of Fame in 1972.
May 17, 1914 – A Masonic funeral was held at Owassa, Ala. in
honor of John Yates, who had been killed in a railroad wreck.
May 17, 1915 – Active work on the construction of the Gulf,
Florida & Alabama Railroad resume, according to The Monroe Journal.
May 17, 1917 – The Monroe Journal reported that Arthur
Bayles left the previous week for Fort McPherson under orders from the military
authorities to go into training for an officer’s assignment.
May 17, 1917 – The Monroe Journal reported that the
Monroeville Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, while only a
small band of women, had two things in view. One was the yearly Memorial
Service, which was educational, and the erection of a monument to the memory of
the Monroe County soldiers in the park at Monroeville. A sum was already
deposited to be used for that purpose and this was expected to be increased by
donations as the years go by.
May 17, 1917 - Mrs. Pete Stacey died in Mobile on this day
and was buried at Pleasant Hill cemetery on the following day. She left a
husband, one son and two daughters to mourn her loss.
May 17, 1922 - Rev. A.E. Shafer delivered the commencement
sermon of the Repton school on this Wednesday evening.
May 17, 1927 - The Chicago Cubs beat the Boston Braves, 4-3,
in 22 innings.
May 17, 1928 - A proposal to authorize the erection of a
monument to commemorate the battle of Burnt Corn, Ala., was made on this day in
a bill introduced by Rep. McDuffie, Democrat. The monument was to be stationed
near Burnt Corn, Ala., on the site of the first battle of the Creek War in July
1813 between pioneer settlers of Alabama and Creek Indians.
May 17, 1929 – Brooklyn High School in Conecuh County, Ala.
was scheduled to hold its second annual graduation exercises at 10 a.m. Monroe
County Superintendent of Education Geo. A. Harris of Monroeville was to deliver
the graduation address.
May 17, 1934 - The Ave Maria Grotto
park was dedicated at the St. Bernard Benedictine Abbey in Cullman, Ala. Known
by visitors from around the world as "Jerusalem in Miniature," the
park is filled with miniature re-creations of historic buildings by monk Joseph
May 17, 1935 – Playwright and
novelist Dennis Potter was born in Berry Hill, Gloucestershire, England.
May 17, 1939 – The Columbia Lions
and the Princeton Tigers played in the United States' first televised sporting
event, a collegiate baseball game in New York City.
May 17, 1939 – Writer Gary Paulsen was born in Minneapolis,
May 17, 1942 - The commencement sermon of Monroe County High
School was scheduled to be delivered on this day.
May 17, 1950 – Evergreen, Ala. firefighters were called to
Brewton about 3 a.m. to help fight a disastrous fire raging in the Veneer Plant
and Box Factory of the T.R. Miller Mill Co. The blaze completely destroyed the
veneer plant and factory with a damage estimated at about $750,000.
May 17, 1953 – The Evergreen Greenies were scheduled to play
Brewton on this Sunday at 3 p.m. at Brooks Stadium in Evergreen, Ala.
May 17, 1953 - The New York Yankees and the Cleveland
Indians set a record when they used 41 players in a game.
May 17, 1954 - The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled for
school integration in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka. The unanimous
ruling stated that racial segregation in public schools violated the Fourteenth
Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees equal protection of the laws to
all citizens. The ruling completed the reversal of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896),
which permitted “separate but equal” public facilities.
May 17, 1955 - Author Cindy Wheeler was born in Montgomery,
May 17, 1959 – The Conecuh Amateur Baseball League, which
featured teams from Bermuda, Evergreen, Lyeffion, Castleberry, Mixonville and
Paul, began its season on this Sunday afternoon. Bernard Powell was the
league’s president and team managers included Rayford Mixon, Bermuda; James
Ansley, Evergreen; R.J. Davis, Lyeffion; Luther McDonald, Castleberry; Mickey
Mixon, Mixonville; and Jack Pate, Paul. The season was scheduled to end on Aug.
16 with a playoff among the top four teams to follow.
May 17, 1962 – The Pineview Golf Course in Thomasville, Ala.
was scheduled to hold its annual one-day golf tournament. Jimmy Ryan of
Greenville was the defending champion, and Bonnie King of Evergreen won the
tournament in 1960.
May 17, 1963 - Monroe County High School’s baseball team
captured the Pine Belt Conference crown on this Friday with a 5-2 victory of
the Millry Wildcats. Monroeville’s final record was 10-3 overall and 8-2 in
conference. Players on MCHS’s team that season included Freddie Biggs, Gary
Downs, Louie Hayles, Tim Jones, Tommy McMillon, Richard Otterberg, Ray Owens,
Lloyd Sturdivant, Billy Taylor, Seth Watkins, Jimmy Wible and John Williams.
Ronald Dees was head coach.
May 17, 1968 - Frank Howard hit his eighth home run in five
May 17, 1969 - Baltimore, Cleveland and Pittsburgh agreed to
move from the NFL's NFC to the AFC.
May 17, 1970 – Thor Heyerdahl set sail from Morocco on the
papyrus boat Ra II to sail the Atlantic Ocean.
May 17, 1970 – Wilcox County, Ala. native Hank Aaron became
the ninth player to get 3,000 hits.
May 17, 1970 – A force of 10,000
South Vietnamese troops, supported by 200 U.S. advisers, aircraft and
logistical elements, attacked into what was known as the “Parrot’s Beak,” the
area of Cambodia that projects into South Vietnam above the Mekong Delta.
May 17, 1972 - Preceded by five
B-52 strikes, which reportedly killed 300 North Vietnamese to the south, South
Vietnamese forces arrived by helicopter to within two miles of An Loc in
continuing efforts to relieve this besieged city, which had been surrounded by
three North Vietnamese divisions since early April.
May 17, 1973 - Bobby Valentine broke his leg trying to
prevent a Dick Green home run from going over the wall.
May 17, 1973 - Joe Ferguson hit the 6,000th home run for the
Los Angeles Dodgers.
May 17, 1973 - Sheriff James (Shorty) Brock on this day
warned Conecuh County, Ala. cattle owners to be on the alert for rustlers. He
said that several head of cattle have been stolen in the county recently.
May 17, 1973
– During the Watergate scandal, televised hearings began in the United States
May 17, 1973 – The Evergreen Courant reported that another
oil well was being drilled near Range, Ala. Amereda-Hess Oil Co. had a permit
to drill to 12,500 feet in a test well on the Jackson land in Section 13,
Township North, Range 8 East. Delta Drilling Co. was drilling the well. Work
began on the well on May 7 and as of May 15 the drillers were below 6,250 feet,
according to M.L. Bergman of Monroe Realty Co., Monroeville.
May 17, 1973 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the
Evergreen Outlet Team was tied for first place in the Evergreen Men’s Softball
League with a 3-1 record. Players on the Evergreen Outlet team included Terry
Coleman, Lavon Tolbert, Jacob Coleman, Stanley Johnston, Larry Peacock, Kenneth
DuBose (sponsor), Charles Branum, Sammy Brown, Wayne Peacock, Wendell Burt,
Jimmy Brown, Steve Windham, Jerry Adams, Terry Chapman, John Adams, Jimmy Hart,
Johnny Etheridge and Johnny Daw. All of the league’s games were played at
Brooks Stadium.
May 17, 1975 - NBC TV bought the rights to show "Gone
With the Wind." The one-time rights cost NBC $5,000,000.
May 17, 1976
– Major League Baseball right fielder José Guillén was born in San Cristóbal,
Dominican Republic. He went on to play for the Pittsburgh Pirates, the Tampa
Bay Devil Rays, the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Cincinnati Reds, the Oakland
Athletics, the Anaheim Angels, the Washington Nationals, the Seattle Mariners,
the Kansas City Royals and the San Francisco Giants.
May 17, 1980 – Evergreen, Ala. weather reporter Earl Windham
reported 1.12 inches of rainfall on this day.
May 17, 1983 - An effort to get the parking on West Front
Street changed back from parallel to angle parking met with a “No” from the
Evergreen City Council, after a discussion with Mr. Carlton of the State
Highway Dept. at the regular meeting on this Tuesday night.
May 17, 1983 – During the Evergreen City Council’s regular
meeting on this Tuesday night, Evergreen Chief of Police Ed Bundy submitted his
resignation to the council, effective May 27, and the council voted to accept
his resignation.
May 17, 1983 – The Evergreen City Council voted to grant
two building permits. One was for Pete Wolff III to construct a commercial
building on his used car lot on Highway 31 South. The other was for James C.
Brooks for a storage building at his residence on Snowden Road.
May 17, 1983 - A Conecuh County deputy sheriff’s car was
shot-gunned early on Tuesday morning by an unknown white male who was still
being sought two days later. The deputy was not injured, but the shot, believed
to be 00 buckshot, shattered holes in the windshield of the driver’s side of
the car. Deputy Sheriff Mack Goneke was in the car when it was shot about 12:10
a.m. Tuesday on the Old Stage Road near Repton on the Conecuh-Monroe boundary. After
firing the shot the man ran into the wooded area along the road. Goneke tried
to follow him without any luck.
May 17, 1987
– An Iraqi Dassault Mirage F1 fighter jet fired two missiles into the U.S. Navy
warship USS Stark, killing
37 and injuring 21 of her crew.
May 17, 1992 - Gary Carter of the Montreal Expos became the
third player to play catcher in 2,000 games.
May 17, 1992 – Sparta Academy’s annual baccalaureate service
was scheduled to be held at 2:30 p.m. in the school gymnatorium.
May 17, 1998 - New York Yankees pitcher David Wells became
the 13th player in modern Major League Baseball history to throw a perfect
May 17, 2000 - Thomas E. Blanton Jr. and David Luker
surrendered to police in Birmingham, Ala. The two former Ku Klux Klan members
were arrested on charges from the bombing of a church in 1963 that killed four
young black girls.
May 17, 2006 - Guido Wever, the son of a former Aruban
politician, was detained in the Netherlands on suspicion of assisting in the
abducting, battering, and killing of Natalee Holloway of Mountain Brook, Ala.
Wever was questioned for six days in Utrecht. While initially Aruban
prosecutors sought his transfer to the island, he was instead released by
agreement between the prosecutor and Wever's attorney.
May 17, 2009 – The Scout Association announced Bear Grylls
would be appointed Chief Scout following the end of Peter Duncan’s five-year
term in July 2009.
May 17, 2010 – Sparta Academy was scheduled to play Escambia
Academy in a spring football game at Canoe, Ala. at 6 p.m. Mike Sims was
Sparta’s head coach.
May 17, 2011 – National Baseball Hall of Fame first baseman,
third baseman and left fielder Harmon Killebrew passed away at the age of 74 in
Scottsdale, Calif. He played for the Washington Senators, the Minnesota Twins
and the Kansas City Royals. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1984.
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