May 18, 1675 – French Jesuit missionary and explorer Jacques
Marquette died from the effects of dysentery at the age of 37 near the modern
town of Ludington, Mich.
May 18, 1692 – In connection with the Salem witchcraft
trials, Mary Easty was released from prison. Following protest by her accusers,
she was again arrested. Roger Toothaker was also arrested on charges of
May 18, 1783 - The first United Empire Loyalists arrived in
Canada to take refuge under the British.
May 18, 1798 – Benjamin Stoddert, the first Secretary of the
U.S. Navy, was appointed to office.
May 18, 1825 – During his tour of the United States, the
Marquis de Lafayette arrived in Georgetown, Ky.
May 18, 1827 – Mark Butler Travis was born at Old Town in
Conecuh County, Ala. A veteran of the Mexican-American War and the Civil War,
he served as Conecuh County’s Circuit Clerk. He also fought at the Battle of
Bull Run.
May 18, 1830 – Confederate soldier
John Adville Stacey of Monroe County, Ala. was born. In February 1862, he
enlisted in what would become the 36th Alabama Regiment of Volunteers and was
mortally wounded at Chickamauga on Sept. 19, 1863. He died from his wounds on
Oct. 9, 1863 and was buried in the Confederate Cemetery in Marietta, Ga.
May 18, 1833 – Edward Amos Stacey
was born and he later enlisted in what would become Co. F of the 36th Alabama
Regiment of Volunteers on April 10, 1862. Edward survived the wounds he
received at Nashville and Spanish Fort, where he was captured and imprisoned at
Ship Island, Miss. He passed away at the age 74 on May 28, 1907 and was buried
near his parents at Polar Bridge Cemetery at Manistee.
May 18, 1858 - Alabama author John
Gorman Barr died aboard a ship en route to Melbourne, Australia.
May 18, 1860 - Abraham Lincoln won
the Republican Party presidential nomination over William H. Seward, who later
become the United States Secretary of State.
May 18, 1861 - An obscure
California newspaper casted first lady Mary Todd Lincoln in an unflattering
light. Quoting a report in the Sacramento Union, the Humboldt Times
recounted a tale of how Mrs. Lincoln had usurped her husband’s presidential
duty of appointing federal offices. According to the report, Mary Todd Lincoln,
in an effort to help her beleaguered husband deal with a slew of
office-seekers, took it upon herself to appoint a stranger–whom she had met on
the train–to any office he desired.
May 18, 1861 - Arkansas was
admitted to the Confederacy.
May 18, 1861 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Sewell’s Point, Va. The U.S. Navy essentially
sealed off Northern Virginia by its blockade of the Rappahannock River.
May 18, 1862 – During the Civil
War, the surrender of Vicksburg, Miss. was demanded by Federal forces.
Farragut’s blue water naval vessels had worked their way up the river from New
Orleans. The surrender demand was refused by Vicksburg authorities.
May 18, 1862 – During the Civil
War, a skirmish was fought at Woodstock, Va.
May 18, 1863 – The Siege of Vicksburg, Miss. began as Union
General Ulysses S. Grant surrounded the city, the last Confederate stronghold on
the Mississippi River. The Confederates did not surrender until July 4.
May 18, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought near Cheneyville, Merritt’s Plantation and on the
Bayou Sara Road in Louisiana; at Hog Island, Mo.; along Skull Creek and on Pope’s
Island in South Carolina; on Horn Lake Creek, Tenn.; near Island No. 82, about
15 miles from Greenville, Miss.; and in the vicinity of Fayetteville, West
Virginia. Federals captured Hayne’s Bluff, Miss.
May 18, 1864 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Fletcher’s Ferry, Clarksville, and near Searcy, in
Arkansas; at Cassville, Kingston, and Pine Log Creek in Georgia; in Pike County
and along the Wolf River, in Kentucky; at Yellow Bayou, Bayou De Glaize,
Calhoun Station, Norwood’s Plantation, and Old Oaks, in Louisiana; in Neosho,
Mo., and another at Carthage, Mo.; at City Pont, Va. and at Foster’s
Plantation, Va.
May 18, 1864 – During the Civil
War, action had been comparatively slow for several days around Spotsylvania
Court House, Va. This ended on this day with an assault at dawn by the corps of
Hancock and Wright on Robert E. Lee’s left flank. This attack and several more
all failed. Grant renewed his motion around Lee’s right flank.
May 18, 1871 - The Kiowa Chief Satanta joined with other Indians to massacre a wagon train near the Red River in northeastern Texas.
May 18, 1885 – The Monroe Journal reported that, as of that
date, the Monroe County Jail in Monroeville, Ala. held 10 inmates.
May 18, 1896 – The United States Supreme Court ruled in Plessy
v. Ferguson that the "separate but equal" doctrine was
constitutional. The ruling was overturned 58 years later with Brown vs. Board
of Education.
May 18, 1897 - A public reading of Bram Stoker's new novel
“Dracula” was staged in London.
May 18, 1897 - William Joyce of the New York Giants set a
record when he hit four triples in one game.
May 18, 1897 - Film producer, director and three-time
Academy Award winner Frank Capra was born in Bisacquino, Sicily.
May 18, 1905 – The Monroe Journal announced that the
Monroeville Library had been moved to the upstairs of a building on the “east
side,” formerly occupied by Messrs. Wiggins, Hybart & Bayles. Lucille
Bizzelle and Mary Stallworth were in charge of the library’s management. During
the summer, the library was open Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and every
Saturday from 8:30 p.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
May 18, 1907 – The first sermon preached in the Old Salem
Church’s second building was conducted this day by Elder J.A. Monsus.
May 18, 1908 – Flomaton, Ala. was officially incorporated.
May 18, 1909 – The Andalusia Star newspaper, which was
founded in 1896, absorbed The Andalusia News.
May 18, 1910 – The Earth passed through the tail of Comet
May 18, 1911 – During an argument, Henry Barlow of
Evergreen, Ala. shot Martin Sheffield in the right arm and chest, and
Sheffield’s wound was so serious that his arm had to be amputated at the
shoulder in Montgomery. Barlow surrendered to the Sheriff and was released on
May 18, 1915 – On this Tuesday, the Rev. D.F. Ellisor left
Monroeville, Ala. to attend the annual session of the Pythian Grand Lodge in
Montgomery as the representative of the local lodge.
May 18, 1916 – The Conecuh Record reported that the
Evergreen Equal Suffrage Association was organized on Wed., May 10, with a membership
of about 20. Mary Henderson was elected chairman of the association and Mrs.
Lewis Crook chairman of the registration committee. On Tues., May 9, the
Castleberry Equal Suffrage Association was organized at Castleberry with Mrs.
S. Castleberry as chairman. These associations were affiliated with the Alabama
Equal Suffrage Association, which was in turn affiliated with the National
Equal Suffrage Association. Both organizations were effected under the
direction of Lola C. Trax, National Organizer of Baltimore, who was touring
Alabama under the auspices of the Alabama Equal Suffrage Association.
May 18, 1916 – The day’s edition of The Monroe Journal,
under the headline “Successful Memorial Service,” contained the following short
article – “We the U.D.C.’s of the Monroeville Chapter wish to express through
The Journal our deepest thanks to those gentlemen who helped to make our annual
memorial service a success. Especial thanks are due Mr. John McDuffie, Prof.
Harris, Rev. C.A. Williams and Mr. Kempton who conducted the service. We thank
Mrs. Williams for her aid in singing. Monroeville should be proud of her home
talent. The patriotic addresses were fervent and inspiring, while the
historical sketch by Prof. Harris was a model of style and diction. We also
thank the gentlemen of the committee on entertainment and all who contributed
anything towards making the day a happy one for those who wore the gray.”
May 18, 1917 – Some six weeks after the United States
formally entered World War I, the Selective Service Act of 1917 was passed by
the U.S. Congress, giving the President of the United States the power of
conscription and resulting in the call up of soldiers to fight in World War I.
May 18, 1917 - School closed at Pine Hill on this Friday
after three big nights of first class entertainments.
May 18, 1922 – The Monroe Journal reported that “some of our
merchants have begun to observe the six o’clock closing rule which usually
prevails during the summer months.”
May 18, 1922 – The Monroe Journal reported that Judge
Fountain and Dr. S.J. Yarbrough of Monroeville and Dr. D.R. Nettles of Peterman
attended the Shriners ceremonial in Mobile during the previous week.
Ma 18, 1931 - The commencement exercises of the Monroe
County High School were scheduled to begin on this Monday evening with a
recital by the members of Juliette Hardy’s music class. On the following
Wednesday evening, John C. Williams was to present the band in a concert. The
Junior-Senior play, “Broken Dishes,” was to be presented at the school
auditorium on Fri., May 22. The cast included Alice Stallworth, Jack Bowden,
Mildred Farish, Jas. A. York, William Barnett, Merwin York, Albert Nettles and
Winston Burns. The play was a comedy hinging around a henpecked husband who
drinks something from a jug and then trouble begins.
May 18, 1933 – As part of the “New Deal,” President Franklin
D. Roosevelt signed a Congressional act creating the Tennessee Valley
Authority. This New Deal program would have a lasting impact on Alabama,
especially the northern third of the state. As its focus, TVA constructed
hydroelectric dams on the Tennessee River, which, among other benefits, brought
electricity to rural areas and attracted industry.
May 18, 1933 - The first Major League Baseball All-Star Game
was announced. It was to be played on July 6 at Comiskey Park as part of the
Chicago World's Fair.
May 18, 1933 - The Monroeville baseball team played Frisco
City on the Monroeville diamond on this Thursday afternoon with Monroeville winning
the game, 10-5.
May 18, 1934 - Jimmie Foxx hit the
first home run in Comiskey Park.
May 18, 1937 – National Baseball
Hall of Fame third baseman Brooks Robinson was born in Little Rock, Ark. He
went on to play his entire career (1955-1977) for the Baltimore Orioles. He was
inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1983.
May 18, 1937 - Funeral services were held on this Tuesday
morning for Alvin Rhoad of Buena Vista, whose body was found in Flat Creek,
near Corduroy on Monday morning, May 17. Rhoad left home on Sat., May 15, to go
fishing and when he failed to return home, a search of the swamp was made and
he was found in a deep hole in the creek. He had evidently slipped from a high
bank into the water and in an effort to swim out, was caught by some of the
hooks which he had set. Interment was made in the cemetery at Buena Vista.
May 18, 1938 - President Franklin
Roosevelt signed legislation to create the Natchez Trace Parkway. The parkway
closely parallels the original Natchez Trace, and in some locations remnants of
the original route may still be seen. The Natchez Trace is a prehistoric route that
was used for untold years by herds of bison and other grazing animals to move
between salt licks located near Nashville and the southern grasslands along the
Mississippi River. Humans later used the worn trail
for hunting and trade. In 1801, the U.S. Army began improving the route, making
it wide enough to be navigable by wagon. The Trace runs for about 30 miles
through the northwestern part of Alabama in Lauderdale and Colbert counties.
May 18, 1942 - New York ended night
baseball games for the duration of World War II.
May 18, 1943 - Arrested on charges of sabotage, two
Covington County, Ala. farmers were in custody on this Tuesday pending
arraignment before the U.S. commissioner in Montgomery, according to D.K.
Brown, special agent in charge of the Birmingham Field Division of the FBI.
Willard Powell and R.A. “Ab” Roberts were charged with the instigation of 14
forest fires on the property of the Jackson Lumber Co. at Lockhart, between
February 1942 and February 1943. The 14 fires did an estimated damage of
$25,000, and by federal code, the burning of merchantable timber in wartime was
May 18, 1946 – National Baseball
Hall of Fame right fielder Reggie Jackson was born in Wyncote, Pa. He went on
to play for the Kansas City/Oakland Athletics, the Baltimore Orioles, the New
York Yankees and the California Angels. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame
in 1993.
May 18, 1948 - A movie version of
Alabama author Lillian Hellman's play “Another Part of the Forest” was
May 18, 1949 – The Antiquarian
Booksellers Association of America was incorporated
May 18, 1950 – The Evergreen
Greenies of the Dixie Amateur League suffered their second loss of the season
at the hands of undefeated, league-leading Monroeville, 8-2.
May 18, 1955
– Operation Passage to Freedom, the evacuation of 310,000 Vietnamese civilians,
soldiers and non-Vietnamese members of the French Army from communist North
Vietnam to South Vietnam following the end of the First Indochina War, ended.
May 18, 1956 - Mickey Mantle hit a home run from both sides
of the plate for the third time.
May 18, 1956 – The first ascent of Lhotse, 8,516 meters, by
a Swiss team.
May 18, 1958 – Evergreen High School’s Baccalaureate
Service was scheduled to be held on this Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. at the
First Baptist Church of Evergreen. The Rev. Stanley Kelley, a recent graduate
of the Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and a graduate of Evergreen High
School, was to preach the Baccalaureate sermon.
May 18, 1959 – Former U.S. President Harry S. Truman, a
prominent Freemason, was presented with his 50-year Award, the only U.S.
President to reach that auspicious anniversary.
May 18, 1961 – Construction was completed of a new gym at
Conecuh County High School in Castleberry, Ala.
May 18, 1966 - U.S. Representative
Melvin Laird (R-Wisconsin) stated that because the Johnson administration was
not providing the American public with precise information on planned troop
deployments to Vietnam, a “credibility gap” was developing.
May 18, 1967 – The Monroe Journal published a photo under
the headline, “WHAT IS THIS CRITTER?” that showed Leon Godwin of Mexia with an
armadillo, which were almost unheard of in the area at that time. Godwin said
he didn’t know what “this critter was” when he got into his car on Thursday
night, May 11, at his home and saw it in the driveway. Godwin said whatever it
was, he decided to run it over with his car. After killing it, he discovered it
was an armadillo, very rare for this part of the country. But there must be
some kind of an invasion of them though because Fielder Reed of Mobile killed
one at the home of Mrs. Mamie Lynam’s at Excel during the previous weekend.
May 18, 1968 – Army SFC Wallace Sylvester Little, 29, of
Riverview in Escambia County, Ala. was killed in action in Vietnam. Born on May
18, 1939 in Chambers County, Ala., Little was buried in the Fairview Cemetery
in Valley in Chambers County. He was a member of Troop C, 11th
Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam.
May 18, 1969 - More than 1,500
communist troops attacked U.S. and South Vietnamese camps near Xuan Loc, located
38 miles east of Saigon, and after five hours of intense fighting, the Viet
Cong and North Vietnamese forces were driven off.
May 18, 1970 – Comedy writer and actress Tina Fey was born
in Upper Darby, Pa.
May 18, 1971 – Professional baseball pitcher and Monroe
Academy graduate Billy Lyle “B.J.” Wallace was born in Mobile, Ala. He played
college baseball at Mississippi State and pitched for the U.S. national team in
the 1992 Summer Olympics, where he set an Olympic record for strikeouts in one
game (14 against the Italian national team). He was selected in the first round
of the 1992 Major League Baseball Draft by the Montreal Expos.
May 18, 1973 - A donkey basketball game was scheduled to be
played at the Lyeffion High School Gymnasium at 8 p.m. on this Friday. In
addition to the laugh provoking game, there was to be a contest with a prize
awarded to the first person to put a diaper on a donkey. The game was sponsored
by the Lyeffion Quarterback Club and admission prices were $1 for adults and 75
cents for students.
May 18, 1974 – Monroe County High School, led by Coach
Ronnie Dees, won the Class 3A state baseball title with a 5-0 win over
Sheffield. MCHS opened the best-of-three series on May 17 with a 3-2 win over
Sheffield. On May 18, MCHS lost its only game of the season, falling to
Sheffield, 4-0, before winning the tie-breaker.
May 18, 1974 - Keith Pugh, a junior at Monroe Academy,
placed first in the 440-yard dash at the Southeastern Invitational Track Meet
on this Saturday in Selma. Keith’s time was 50.8 seconds. He placed second in
the board jump and second in the triple jump. The meet was sponsored by the
Alabama Private School Athletic Association. Schools from Alabama, Louisiana
and Mississippi participated. Keith became eligible for the tri-state contest
by winning five events in the state track meet held May 11 in Greenville.
Janice Pugh, a ninth-grader at Monroe Academy, also participated in the track
meet. She placed second in the high jump and hurdles. Keith and Janice were the
children of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pugh of Evergreen.
May 18, 1976 – NBA small forward and shooting guard Ron
Mercer was born in Nashville, Tenn. He went on to play for Kentucky, the Boston
Celtics, the Denver Nuggets, the Orlando Magic, the Chicago Bulls, the Indiana
Pacers, the San Antonio Spurs and the New Jersey Nets.
May 18, 1978 - Girls and boy athletes of Sparta Academy were
honored at the Sparta Quarterback Club’s annual Athletic Banquet held in the
school gymnatorium on this Thursday night. Wayne Frazier of Brewton was the
principal speaker. The Jerry Peacock Memorial Trophy was presented for the
first time ever at the banquet with the honor going to Gray Stevens. The trophy
was given by the Class of 1977 in memory of their late classmate who was an
outstanding athlete and student and drowned in a tragic accident in 1977. The
Class of 1977 provided a big, handsome trophy which was to remain at the school
with the name of the athlete winning the honor to be engraved on it each year.
The Jerry Peacock Memory Trophy was to be awarded to a senior male athlete who
has been outstanding in football, basketball and baseball and was selected the
most outstanding by the votes of the athletes participating in those sports.
Athletes recognized in the various sports were: Girls Basketball, Best
Defensive Player, Sharon Johnson; Best Offensive Player, Angie Driver; Best
Free Throw Shooter, Michell Joyner; and Most Valuable Player, Mary Claire
Robinson. Girls Softball: Hustler, Rosemary Ralls; Best Batting Average, Miss
Thacker; and Most Valuable Player, Mary Claire Robinson. Football: Best
Offensive Lineman, Harry Crabtree; Best Defensive Lineman, Greg Anthony; Best
Offensive Back, Ronny McKenzie; and Best Defensive Back, Johnny Ralls.
Basketball: Most Valuable Player, Gray Stevens; Best Rebounder, Tony Raines;
Best Scorer, Terry Peacock; and Best Free Throw Percentage, Stevens. Recognized
for winning All-District honors were: football, Harry Crabtree and David
Sabino; basketball, Gray Stevens; and baseball, Terry Peacock. The girls track
team was honored for winning the District III championship. Members of the team
who qualified for the state finals and were recognized were: Cathy Johnson,
Angie Driver, Cheri Johnson, Lesa Ralls, Leigh Daniels, Miss Price and Melinda
May 18, 1980 - Mount St. Helens volcano in Washington state
exploded in a cataclysm that sent ash 12 miles into the air, and left 57 people
dead and caused $3 billion in damages.
May 18, 1986 - A television version of Alabama author
Winston Groom's book “As Summers Die” was broadcast.
May 18, 2000 - Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals
passed Mickey Mantle on the home run career list. He ended the game with 539.
May 18, 2004 - Forty-year-old Arizona Diamondbacks
lefthander Randy Johnson became the oldest pitcher in Major League history to
throw a perfect game, leading his team to a 2-0 victory over the Atlanta
Braves. A “perfect game” is when a pitcher faces a minimum 27 batters, recording
27 outs.
May 18, 2006 – The Biggs Cemetery in Monroe County, Ala. was
added to the Alabama Historic Cemetery Register.
May 18, 2008 – “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull” was first released in theaters.
May 18, 2008 - Rev. John King was to be the guest speaker at
Sparta Academy’s Baccalaureate services on this Sunday at 3 p.m. at the
Evergreen Baptist Church.
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