Blackwells Again Found Guilty: Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 28 – A
special from Panama City, Fla., this morning announces that Will and Bob
Blackwell were found guilty as charged after deliberation of a short time. The
defendants are brothers, and the crime was that of the murdering of Bud Davis,
93, and wife, 78 years old, two years ago. This was the second time the
brothers have been convicted, the previous conviction having been appealed to
the supreme court, which reversed the lower court.
The Blackwell case is one which many people of Conecuh
County have watched with interest as the boys were born and reared near Repton,
sons of D. Blackwell, who as a true father has stood by his boys from the
Death of Wiley House: Wiley House died this morning at his
home in Mill Beat after several week’s illness, age 67 years.
Deceased was one of Conecuh’s most prominent citizens. It
will be remembered that he was severely stabbed in the breast by the two
negroes, John Salter and Robert Watkins, who assaulted and robbed him several
years ago and it is thought that a portion of knife blade was broken off in his
body and finally caused his death.
The funeral and interment will take place tomorrow morning
at the family graveyard.
Joe C. Aarons, son of County Commissioner N.T. Aarons,
reached home a few days ago from France.
E. Lee Stallworth, who is attending the naval training
school at Gulfport, came home to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents,
Dr. and Mrs. E.L. Stallworth.
Gaines Burnett, a young Brewton boy, just returned from
France, was here yesterday. He wore two wound stripes, showing that he did his
bit in the fierce fighting against the Germans. He said when he thinks of the
terrible engagements through which he passed it is difficult to realize how any
of the men came out alive. He left this morning for Camp Sheridan, where he
will be mustered out within the next few days.
Hear Bob Jones: The Famous Evangelist. Only one address at
the Methodist Church, Tues., Jan. 7, at 7 p.m.
Dr. W.L. Holt of Brewton was in the city a few hours on
Friday last.
Dr. E.C. Moore will preach at the Methodist Church next
Sunday morning and night. This is Dr. Moore’s first appearance in the Methodist
Church and let everybody hear him.
Death of Mrs. Virginia Betts: Mrs. Virginia Betts, relict of
the late William H. Betts, died on Saturday night last at the home of her son,
Dr. R.I. Betts in Mobile. The body was brought here on Sunday afternoon and on
Monday morning was conveyed to Burnt Corn for interment in the family lot at
Puryearville cemetery. Deceased was 74 years old, and is survived by two sons,
Dr. W.F. Betts of Evergreen and Dr. R.I. Betts of Mobile.
The body of Mrs. W.W. Barlow, whose death occurred on
Saturday night last at her home in Georgiana, was brought here on Sunday
morning and conveyed to the family burying ground near Mt. Union. Deceased was
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.M. Fortner of Mt. Union, besides whom she is
survived by her husband and three small children.
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