Jan. 16, 1833 – Dr. A.J. Robinson of Brooklyn, Ala. was born
in Fayette County, Ga. He went on to become a teacher, farmer, physician and
state representative.
Jan. 16, 1855 –
Camden newspaperman Solomon Daniel Bloch was born in Camden, Ala.
Jan. 16, 1863 - The CSS Florida, a Confederate privateer
raider, had been in Mobile, Ala. for four months undergoing repairs which were
completed on this day. Her commander, Lt. John N. Maffitt, fired up her boilers
and evaded the USS R.R. Cuyler, which they passed within 300 yards off the
mouth of Mobile Bay. CSS Florida went on to capture a ship, taking the
confiscated cargo to sell in Havana.
Jan. 16, 1896 – The Monroe Journal reported that “Postmaster
Ricou is now comfortably located in the Yarbrough building on Southside. The
patrons of the post office are generally pleased with the change of location.”
Jan. 16, 1906 – Braxton Bragg “B.B.” Comer, who was then the
president of the Alabama Railroad Commission, delivered a two-hour campaign
speech to a crowd at the Monroe County Courthouse, starting at 1 p.m. “in
behalf of his candidacy for Governor of Alabama.” According to The Monroe
Journal, “the adjourned term of court being in session there was naturally a
good-sized crowd present, and the number was doubtless increased to some extent
by those who came especially to see and hear Mr. Comer. Mr. Comer spoke for
nearly two hours and was given respectful and patient attention throughout.” In
November 1906, he was elected Alabama’s 33rd governor.
Jan. 16, 1908 – The Conecuh Record reported that L.D.
Gardner, the new chancellor of the southeastern court division, held his first
term of the Chancery Court in Conecuh County, Ala. Gardner was the youngest
chancellor in the state at that time.
Jan. 16, 1908 – The Monroe Journal reported, in news from
the Skinnerton community, that the Woodmen of the World had a camp at
Skinnerton and recently gave a public dinner for the benefit of the order.
There was plenty of dinner and fresh fish. About $20 was raised from the dinner
for the charity fund.
Jan. 16, 1908 – The Monroe Journal reported, in news from
Monroeville R.F.D. No. 2 that “hunting is the foremost employment among the
young men in our vicinity while the older ones are preparing for another crop,
such as plowing in oats, log rolling, clearing, removing fences, etc.”
Jan. 16, 1914 - The total number of bales of cotton ginned
in Conecuh County, Ala. was 16,228, compared with 14,646 to the same date in
Jan. 16, 1918 - There were 7,594 bales of cotton, counting
round as half bales, ginned in Wilcox County from the crop of 1917 prior to
Jan. 16, 1918, as compared with 4,114 ginned prior to Jan. 16, 1917. C.S. Dale
was the County Agent.
Jan. 16, 1929 – Evergreen High School’s boys basketball team
beat East Brewton, 41-17, and the Night Hawks of Evergreen, 24-17.
Jan. 16, 1938 – Dr. Walter Bozeman Moorer, age 63, who
practiced medicine in Repton, Ala. passed away at his home around 9 p.m. from a
“heart ailment.” A native of Lowndes County, he attended medical school at
Birmingham Medical College. He practiced medicine in McKenzie for a number of
years and moved to Repton about 20 years prior to his death. Born on Oct. 1,
1874 in Evergreen, he was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Jan. 16, 1949 - The first television version of Alabama
author William March's story "The Little Wife" was broadcast.
Jan. 16, 1950 – T.R. Miller High School’s varsity boys
basketball team beat Evergreen High School, 35-33, in Evergreen on this Monday
night. Junior Miller led Evergreen with 12 points while Gene Prestwood and
Bobby Long scored seven points each. Guerry Moorer led the scoring for
Evergreen with 11 points. Dickey Bozeman, starting at guard instead of forward,
sank eight, and Gwyn Daniels dropped six for the Aggies. Other standout
Evergreen players in that game included Jack Cunningham, Gillis Morgan, Jeff
Moorer and “Pistol Pete” Wells.
Jan. 16, 1951 – Evergreen’s National Guard unit, Battery C
of the 177th Field Artillery Battalion, under command of Capt. John C. Holman,
was called to active, Federal service at Fort Jackson, S.C. The local unit,
which was composed of about 80 officers and men, was part of the 31st Infantry
Division, which earned fame as the Dixie Division in the South Pacific in World
War II. The Dixie Division was made up of guardsmen from Alabama and
Mississippi. The January 1951 mobilization marked the second federal
mobilization of Evergreen’s guard unit in only a little over 10 years. “C” went
on active duty in November of 1940 and was moved shortly thereafter to Camp
Blanding, Fla. Holman was executive officer under Capt. (later Major) Dave
Lewis when the battery mobilized for World War II.
Jan. 16, 1964 – Bill Griffin of Evergreen, Ala. visited
Palma de Mallorca in the Mediterranean aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS
Shangri-La. Griffin was a Navy ship serviceman third class.
Jan. 16, 1967 – Mabel Amos of Brooklyn, Ala. took the oath
of office as Alabama Secretary of State becoming the first Conecuh County
citizen to be elected to a statewide office.
Jan. 16, 1967 – George C. Wallace began his time as the
First Gentleman of Alabama while his wife served as Alabama’s governor. His
time as First Gentleman would end on May 7, 1968.
Jan. 16, 1967 – Lurleen Wallace was inaugurated as Alabama’s
first female governor – and only the third nationwide – as an estimated 150,000
looked on. On May 7, 1968, she died in office of cancer at the age of 41, amid
her husband George C. Wallace's ongoing second presidential campaign. On her
death, she was succeeded by Lieutenant Governor Albert Brewer, who had run
without Republican opposition in the Wallace-Martin race.
Jan. 16, 1968 – The Evergreen City Council accepted a low
bid of $162,922 submitted by Clark Hardware Co. of Red Level for the
construction of a new city hall in downtown Evergreen, Ala. The project was
scheduled to take 240 days and construction was scheduled to get underway 45 to
60 days after the bid opening.
Jan. 16, 1972 – Lee Roy Jordan of Excel, Ala. started at
middle linebacker in Super Bowl VI for the Dallas Cowboys. The NFC Champion
Cowboys, under Tom Landry, beat the AFC Champion Miami Dolphins, led by Don
Shula, 24-3, at Tulane Stadium in New Orleans. Other famous starters in that
game included Mike Ditka (Dallas TE), Bob Griese (Miami QB), Roger Staubach
(Dallas QB), Larry Csonka (Miami RB).
Jan. 16, 1976 - Evergreen High School downed archrival
Conecuh County High of Castleberry on this Friday night, 78-54. Evergreen was
riding an eight-game winning streak at that time. Evergreen’s leading scorer
was Ronald Fantroy with 22 points. Leading the Aggies in rebounds was Edward
Rankin with 12, playing in his best game of the season.
Jan. 16-17, 1976 - Sparta finished third in the Crenshaw
Academy Tournament, losing to Morgan Academy, 75-64, on Fri., Jan. 16, and
downing Autauga, 76-53, in the consolation game on Sat., Jan. 17. Ronnie Pugh
was named to the all-tournament team. Against Morgan, scoring was led by Pugh
with 33 points, and Jerry Peacock and Bobby Johnson had 10 each; Walker Scott,
six; and Joe Andrews, five. Johnson with 23 and Pugh with 20 led the win over
Autauga, and Andrews had 12; Peacock and Scott, six each; Hugh Bradford, four;
Woody Register, three; and Gray Stevens, two.
Jan. 16, 1986 – Sparta Academy’s varsity boys beat Greenville
Academy, 69-63, in Evergreen, and Sparta’s varsity girls won, 82-29. Scott
Salter led Sparta’s boys with 22 points, and Kim Searcy led Sparta’s girls with
22 points. Other outstanding Sparta boys in their game included Brandon Salter,
Brian Bybee, Danny Reed, Mark Rigsby, Brad Watts, Jason West, Lynn Ralls and
Thad Ellis. Outstanding Sparta girls in their game included Tracy Holmes, Susan
Ward, Carol Kendrick, Leah Carrier, Julie Johnson, Jeannie Vondereau, Baby Girl
Floyd, Stacey Holmes and Shawn Hammonds.
Jan. 16, 2001 – Sparta Academy’s varsity boys beat Escambia
Academy, 68-59, at Canoe. John McKenzie led Sparta with 15 points. Other top
Sparta players in that game included Kyle Johnston, Jimmy Hyde, Chris Garner,
Rusty Salter, Justin Tranum, Derrick Williams and Wiley Cobb. Sparta’s varsity
girls lost, 52-41. Katie Etheridge led Sparta with 17 points.
Jan. 16, 2007 - J.F. Shields High School’s girls basketball
team set a new record for the most consecutive wins in a single season on this
Tuesday night in Beatrice when they defeated J.U. Blacksher, 46-22. That win
improved the Lady Panthers to 16-0. Prior to that season, the Lady Panthers’
longest single-season win streak stood at 15. Tykia Robinson led a trio of Lady
Panthers who scored in double figures. Robinson scored 16 points, got four
steals and grabbed four rebounds. Other top players for Shields that season
included Shante Finklea, Mariah Jones, Latresha Lymon, Dahricia McIntosh, April
Montgomery and Adriana Wright. Herbert Blackmon was Shields’ head girls coach.
Jan. 16, 2010 – Weather observer Harry Ellis reported 1.16
inches of rain in Evergreen, Ala.
Jan. 16, 2010 - Ernestine Raines turned 101 years old, and
she was honored by Belleville Baptist Church, her home church, with a birthday
party. The party was held at the Evergreen Nursing Home, where she had lived
for several years.
Jan. 16, 2015 – Around 2 a.m. in Monrovia, which is in
Madison County, Ala., a UFO witness was getting into her boyfriend’s car when
she looked up and saw what looked like a strobe light in the sky. They began
driving towards the light and as they got closer, they realized it was a
slow-moving, triangular-shaped “flying object.” In all, they watched the object
for about four minutes.
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