J.D. Ratcliffe, Esq., is now associated with Messrs. Hybart
& Hare in the practice of law, the consolidation dating from January first.
There were no services at the Methodist church last Sunday,
Pastor Williams deeming it prudent to suspend all services until there is
marked improvement in the influenza situation.
Rev. Mr. Mosley, pastor, asks The Journal to say that there
will be no preaching at the Baptist church next Sunday morning or evening, the
services having been called off on account of the prevalence of influenza in
the community.
Mr. W.D. Sawyer died at his home near Excel Sunday night,
Jan. 5, of complication resulting from an attack of influenza. Deceased was a
brother of former Sheriff Sawyer. He is survived by his wife and several
Mr. C.J. Jackson was down from Tunnel Springs Monday. After
an extended trip over portions of Texas recently in company with Mr. Noog
Nettles, Mr. Jackson returned more than ever content to improve the opportunities
afforded progressive citizens by the resources of Old Monroe.
Property tax is now due, for the year 1918 and all persons
owning real or personal property within the corporate limits of the town of
Monroeville, Ala., are hereby requested to pay their taxes to Marshal H.F.
Fountain without further delay. – J.D. Ratcliffe, Mayor.
Little Nell McCreary: With the passing away of our beautiful
little Nell, there has come a sorrow into my life not known before.
Only 12 short summers, but with a grasp and knowledge of
life that was perfectly wonderful. The Literary Digest, stories of operas, and
books that matured minds enjoyed, she read eagerly.
When her skillful hands had arranged her home it was done
with artistic taste and neatness. Her music was a perfect delight to her. With
our finite minds we can not help wondering whether she plays her “Happy Hunting
song” on a golden harp in Heaven.
Out of her little earnings always came a tenth for Jesus.
She had her childish faults, but there was manifested such a sweet subdued
spirit, when her nature was conquered. I ask pardon of the public for
expressing the emotions of a sorrowing heart. – Mrs. J.B. Barnett.
Bank Elects Officers: The annual meeting of stockholders of
the Monroe County Bank was held in Monroeville on Monday. A resume of the past
year’s business showed it to have been the most prosperous year in the bank’s
history, notwithstanding the disturbing influence of the world war. The
resources of the bank are now considerably in excess of half a million dollars,
showing that the institution is strong in the confidence of the people whom it
serves and that its liberal yet conservative policy is appreciated. The bank
paid the usual five percent semi-annual dividend and carried a snug sum to
The old officers were re-elected by unanimous vote for the
ensuing year, viz: J.B. Barnett, president; D.J. Hatter, vice-president; D.D.
Mims, cashier. Only one change was made in the directorate, made necessary by
the recent resignation of Mr. J.M. Coxwell to accept a responsible position
with the new bank. The board now consists of Q. Salter, C.J. Jackson, J.R.
Eddins, Dr. J.W. Rutherford and J.J. Jernigan.
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