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President Woodrow Wilson |
What follows are
100-year-old news excerpts from the June 21, 1917 edition of The Wilcox Progressive
Era newspaper in Camden, Ala.
Pine Hill Dramatic Club, Friday, June 29: The Pine Hill
Dramatic Club will present the “Prince in Buckskins” on Friday evening, June
29, 8:15 p.m. This will be their second performance in Camden. Mr. Shaw, the
manager, has arranged a strong musical program, and is sparing no efforts to
give Camden the best entertainment possible.
Dr. McConnico To Speak In Camden: Dr. McConnico, an old
Wilcox boy and now one of the most prominent physicians of Montgomery, will be
in Camden Fri., June 22, and will address the citizens of Wilcox County at the
Grammar School Auditorium at 4 p.m. Every man, woman and child in this vicinity
is urged to be present. A chapter of the Red Cross society will be organized.
Wilcox expects every man to do his part in the war.
Anti-Saloon League Vice President Here: Rev. J.M. Ballantine,
Vice President of the Anti-Saloon League, addressed an audience at the Camden
Grammar School Auditorium on Sunday morning. Supt. Brooks Lawrence was
scheduled to be present but was unable to fill his appointment. Mr. Ballantine
filled an appointment at Gastonburg on Sunday evening.
Pine Hill, Alabama: On Friday evening, June 8, the Dramatic
Club, presenting drama “Tennessee Pardner,” one of Messrs. Darcy and Wolford,
big success. The auditorium was packed to standing room only, and the audience
appeared to be more than pleased with the manner in which the play was
presented. Special trains were run over the A.&N.W. Railroad Co. from Sweet
Water on Friday last so the people along that line could attend the production
of Tennessee’s Pardner as played by the Dramatic Club.
Mr. J.B. Respress, district inspector of the Bureau of
Explosives, with headquarters at Birmingham, Ala., was a business visitor here
(Pine Hill) the past week.
A preliminary organization of the Red Cross Chapter was made
on last Thursday afternoon of last week. Officers elected were: President, Mrs.
M.E. Curtis; Vice President, Mrs. G.T. Dannelly; Secretary, Mrs. T.W. Jones;
Treasurer, Mrs. J.M. Bonner. Thirty-five members were enrolled, which was a
most promising start. Dr. McConnico of Montgomery will address the chapter on
Friday relative to the work before them.
Work on the deep wells of Camden is progressing nicely. One
well has already been forced to yield 40 gallons per minute and work on boring
a new one has begun. Water has been guaranteed which will give the people of
Camden relief from their watchful waiting of the past year.
The continued drought has wrought havoc on the pastures of
Wilcox, some of the cattlemen we are informed are topping the trees and
shrubbery in their pastures to provide green stuffs for them.
Work on the Cobb Landing ferry is being completed which
makes this landing one of the best on the Alabama River. The banks of the river
have been crosswayed with heavy tiling and a cable put in operation which will
make it passable with ease in the rainy weather. It is only a question of time
before a gravel road will be completed to Catherine which will give Camden a
hard road all the way to Selma.
Rev. J.M. Ballantine, Assistant Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon
League, filled the appointment of Rev. Brooks Lawrence at the Grammar School
Auditorium on Sunday morning. His discourse was filled with humor and wit,
holding the attention of his audience throughout. The usual collection taken
amounted to $77.
Blind Tiger Raided: Deputy Sheriff McLean, made a successful
raid on a blind tiger on Sunday morning last and as a result of same brought in
three prisoners, one negro man and two women, besides his car loaded down with
the fashionable drink of “shiny.” The still was located five miles from the
Vredenburg Saw Mill camp and had been a nuisance to same for some time. The
still was destroyed and the contents safely preserved as future evidence.
Misses Isabel, Lucy and Elizabeth Grier, from Hauchoufu,
China are visiting the family of Rev. B.H. Grier. They are children of the late
Rev. M.B. Grier, a missionary to China for 25 years, and have been in school at
Due West, S.C. the past session. Their mother, Mrs. M.B. Grier, M.D., is now in
New York and will later come to Camden to be with her children and to make a
The School Improvement Association will meet the second
Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m.
Miss Harris Makes Hit With Camden Audience: On Tuesday
evening, Miss Mittie Harris gave a dramatic reading, presenting the play, “All
of a Sudden, Peg,” which was pronounced by the audience as one of the best
entertainments of the season. The program was interspersed with piano solos.
Col. John S. Hunter of Montgomery was a Camden visitor this
week. Hunter has been recently reappointed as Receiver of Public Monies by
President (Woodrow) Wilson. His Wilcox friends are glad to welcome him back.
NOTICE – I will be in Camden Friday, June 29, if you have a
piano that needs tuning or repaired. I will be glad to have the business. Leave
your name with Prof. O.C. Weaver. – Prof. G.E. Taylor.
Mr. Dougal Salter left Tuesday for Ft. McPherson, where he
will be enlisted in the hospital corps.
The Grammar School Library will be open every Friday
afternoon from 5 to 6 o’clock. Those desiring books may secure same during
those hours.
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