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Kathryn Tucker Windham |
June 2, 1537 - Pope Paul III banned the enslavement of
June 2, 1692 – The Court of Oyer and Terminer convened in
Salem Town (now Danvers), Massachusetts, beginning what would become known as
the Salem Witch Trials.
June 2, 1692 – Bridget Bishop, a tavern owner, became the
first person to go to trial in the Salem witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts.
She was found guilty and hanged on June 10, the first of 19 executions that
took place over the next four months.
June 2, 1731 – Martha Washington was born Martha Dandridge
on the Chestnut Grove Plantation in New Kent County, Virginia.
June 2, 1743
– Italian occultist and explorer Alessandro Cagliostro was born in Albergheria,
the old Jewish Quarter of Palermo, Sicily.
June 2, 1774 – The Quartering Act was enacted, allowing a
governor in colonial America to house British soldiers in uninhabited houses,
outhouses, barns or other buildings if suitable quarters were not provided.
June 2, 1774 – English-Australian explorer William Lawson was
born in Middlesex, England.
June 2, 1776 - Major General John Thomas died of smallpox.
June 2, 1777 - The British captured Fort Ticonderoga.
June 2, 1815 – Future Union general Philip Kearny was born
in New York City. He was killed at the age of 47 on Sept. 1, 1862 when he
accidentally rode behind Confederate lines at Chantilly, Virginia. Confederate
General Robert E. Lee, who had witnessed Kearny’s daring battlefield exploits
in Mexico, returned his body under a flag of truce.
June 2, 1838 – Confederate soldier Bright Waters was born in
Burnt Corn, Ala. He enlisted at Bells Landing on July 28, 1861 and served with
the Monroe Guards. He was taken prisoner at Gettysburg and was later exchanged.
He was wounded near Fredericksburg on May 19, 1864 and was discharged. He passed
away in 1882 and was buried in Mt. Pleasant Methodist Cemetery at Skinnerton.
June 2, 1840 – English poet and novelist Thomas Hardy was
born in Upper Bockhampton, Dorset. His books include “Far From the Madding
Crowd” (1874), “The Return of the Native” (1878), “Tess of the d’Urbervilles”
(1891) and “Jude the Obscure” (1895).
June 2, 1847 - Confederate heroine Emma Sansom was born in
Social Circle, Ga. Around 1852, she and her family moved to just outside
Gadsden, Ala.
June 2, 1862
– During the Civil War, “affairs” occurred at Galloway's Farm, Arkansas and
near Rienzi, Mississippi. Skirmishes were also fought at Tranter's Creek, North
Carolina and at Woodstock and Strasburg, Virginia.
June 2, 1863 – During the Civil
War, skirmishes were fought at Jamestown, Kentucky and at Upperville, Virginia.
June 2, 1863 – The siege at
Vicksburg, Miss. entered Day 15.
June 2, 1864 – Pvt. John L. Nixon was killed in the Battle
of Cold Harbor, Va. Earlier in the war, he enlisted with Co. D of the 5th
Alabama Infantry. Co. D became Co. C after reorganization on April 27, 1862
under Capt. Thomas Mercer Riley.
June 2, 1864 - Union General
Ulysses S. Grant prepared for a major assault along the entire Confederate
front. He attacked the next day.
June 2, 1864 – During the Civil
War, ordered to pursue and destroy General Nathan Bedford Forrest, General John
Sturgis left Memphis with a force of 8,100 men. An “affair” also occurred at
Covington, Virginia.
June 2, 1865 - In an event that is generally regarded as
marking the end of the Civil War, Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith,
commander of Confederate forces west of the Mississippi, signed the surrender
terms offered by Union negotiators. With Smith's surrender, the last
Confederate army ceased to exist, bringing a formal end to the bloodiest four
years in U.S. history. The war that cost 620,000 American lives was over.
June 2, 1883 - The first baseball game under electric lights
was played in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
June 2, 1886 - Grover Cleveland became the second U.S.
president to get married while in office. He was the first to have a wedding in
the White House.
June 2, 1887
– German SS officer Gottlieb Hering was born in Warmbronn, German Empire.
June 2, 1896 - Guglieimo Marconi's radio telegraphy device
was patented in Great Britain.
June 2, 1896 – Graduation exercises were scheduled to take
place at 10 a.m. at the Southwest Alabama Agricultural School in Evergreen, Ala.
Diplomas were to be awarded by the Rev. B.F. Riley of Athens, Ga. The Class of
1896 included Mary Howard Watkins, Elvie Liverman, Sallie Stallworth, Mary
Robbins Sampey, Fannie Kemp Dennis, Hallie Watkins, Mary Liverman, Arthur
Cunningham and Willie Wilton Watts.
June 2, 1897 - Mark Twain, at age 61, was quoted by the New
York Journal as saying "the report of my death was an exaggeration."
He was responding to the rumors that he had died.
June 2, 1906 - J.W. Wilkinson made the trip to Perdue Hill
(from Manistee?) on this Saturday to attend the Masonic Lodge.
June 2, 1907 – Harlem Renaissance writer Dorothy West was
born in Boston, Mass.
June 2, 1910 - Pygmies were discovered by explorers in Dutch
New Guinea.
June 2, 1911 – W.B. Coker, who lived a few miles west of
Evergreen, Ala., left at The Evergreen Courant’s office the first cotton bloom
reported in Conecuh County for the 1911 season.
June 2, 1911 – During the night, several casks of beer and
three cases of liquor were stolen from one of the lower rooms of the Covington
County Jail in Andalusia, Ala. The booze had been seized by Sheriff Livings and
stored there for safekeeping.
June 2, 1911 – Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue W.F.
Nabors returned to Mobile on this Friday afternoon after a “strenuous trip”
through Monroe County, Ala., where he captured and seized five complete
distilling plants over a two-day period.
June 2, 1913 – Comic novelist Barbara Pym was born in
Oswestry, Shropshire, England.
June 2, 1913 - The monthly term of Monroe County court was
held on this Monday in Monroeville.
June 2, 1913 - J.L. Marshall returned to Monroe County on
this Monday from Chattanooga, where he attended the Confederate Reunion. He
reported a very pleasant trip, according to The Monroe Journal.
June 2, 1915 – The final day of Monroe County High School’s
four-day fourth-annual commencement exercises continued on this Wednesday with
baseball games between MCHS and Finchburg at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. in Monroeville,
Ala. Graduation exercises began at 8 p.m. with the address delivered by Dr.
W.M. Murray of Brewton.
June 2, 1915 – Southwest Alabama Agricultural School
graduation exercises were scheduled to be held at the Conecuh County Courthouse
at 8 p.m. in Evergreen, Ala. Congressman S.H. Dent was scheduled to deliver the
commencement address. Earlier that day, a baseball game between the school and
Brewton was scheduled to be played.
June 2, 1915 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the “new
Croom building” was now complete. The ground floor was to be occupied by J.H.
Dey and the second floor was to be used as a Phythian and Woodmen hall.
June 2, 1915 - The closing exercises of the Second District
Agricultural School were scheduled to end on this Friday night with a
presentation of ‘Sherwood, or Robin Hood and the Three Kings.’
June 2, 1915 - Austro-Hungarian and German troops continued their attacks on the Russian soldiers holding Przemysl (now in Poland), the citadel guarding the northeastern-most point of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
June 2, 1918 – Kathryn Tucker Windham was born in Selma, Ala.
Windham, who lived in Thomasville as a child and worked in Camden for the Area
Agency on Aging, promoted Alabama's lifeways and folk traditions with her
writings, photography, and radio commentaries. She is best known for her series
of ghost story collections, beginning with “13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey” in
1969, as well as numerous other publications, photography, and storytelling.
June 2, 1919 – During World War I, Army Sgt. Dewey Earl
Rayboun of Thomasville, Ala. “died from disease.” Rayboun, the son of Claude
and Lula Rayboun, was buried in the Choctaw Corner Cemetery near Thomasville in
Clarke County, Ala.
June 2, 1921 – The Monroe Journal reported, under the
headline “SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC,” that an outbreak of smallpox in the southern part
of the county was reported to the health authorities a few days before, and prompt
measures were taken to stamp out the disease. Thirty cases were said to exist
in a turpentine camp near Uriah. The camp was placed under rigid quarantine and
every effort was made to prevent the spread of the disorder to other
June 2, 1921 – The Monroe Journal reported that E.T. Simpson
of Ocean Springs, Miss. was in Monroeville for a few days that week installing
a Linotype machine in The Journal office. He was “an expert machinist and
capable instructor in the operation of this wonderful mechanical contrivance,
which seems able to do everything in the preparation of reading material except
to exercise independent thought.”
June 2, 1921 – The Monroe Journal reported, in news from the
Jones Mill community, that the passenger train on the Deep Water Route did not
make its appearance on the day before on account of a wreck on the road between
Jones Mill and Pensacola. “As we have only one train a day here we miss it
greatly when it fails to come but guess our troubles are nothing to that of the
passengers who are aboard at the time of the delay.”
June 2, 1921 – The Monroe Journal reported that the Monroe
County Bank, Monroe’s oldest and strongest financial institution, had been
recently admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve Banking system. “The
mere fact of the acceptance by the Federal Reserve Board of the bank’s
application for membership is evidence of the high esteem in which the bank is
held in financial circles for its progressive policy. The new connection will
enable the bank to serve its constituency yet more efficiently.”
June 2, 1924 – U.S. President Calvin Coolidge signed the
Indian Citizenship Act into law, granting citizenship to all Native Americans
born within the territorial limits of the United States.
June 2, 1926 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the “new
highway” between Evergreen and McKenzie was “rapidly nearing completion.”
Grading work had reached the intersection of Main Street.
June 2, 1926 – The Evergreen Courant reported that Edwin C.
Page had recently completed his “academic course at the University” and would
begin the study of law next fall.
June 2, 1931 – Australian politician Gerald Beresford
Ponsonby Peacocke was born. He went on to serve as a member of the New South
Wales Legislative Assembly.
June 2, 1935 - George Herman "Babe" Ruth announced
that he was retiring from baseball.
June 2, 1935 – Novelist Carol Shields was born in Oak Park,
Ill. Her 1993 novel, “Stone Diaries,” won the Pulitzer Prize.
June 2, 1941 – The first cotton bloom of the season arrived
at The Courant on this Monday and was sent by E.A. Andrews of Evergreen, Ala.,
Rt. C.
June 2, 1941 – National Baseball Hall of Fame first baseman
Lou Gehrig died at the age of 37 in New York City of the degenerative disease
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He played his entire career (1923-1939) for the
New York Yankees and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1939.
June 2, 1943 – Aliceville, Alabama's World War II
prisoner-of-war camp received its first contingent of captured German soldiers.
By the end of the week, Aliceville housed 3,000 prisoners. Nearly 5,000 POWs
eventually would be imprisoned in the facility, the largest of four such camps
in Alabama.
June 2, 1948 – German
SS officer Karl Brandt, 44, was hanged at Landsberg
Prison, Landsberg am Lech.
June 2, 1948 – German SS officer Wolfram Sievers, who was
the managing director of the Ahnenerbe from 1935 to 1945, was executed by
hanging for crimes against humanity at Landsberg prison in Bavaria.
June 2, 1949 - Chester “Check” Ellis Jr. was to begin
working out with the Brewton Millers of the Alabama State Baseball League on
this night and was expected to sign with the Class D club a few days later.
“Check,” a 22-year-old right-handed pitcher, talked with Miller manager Norman
Veazy on Mon., May 20, and was told to report for practice on Thurs., June 2.
“Check” had been attending Troy State Teachers College, and for the past two
months had pitched for Colquitt in a very fast semi-pro loop in South Georgia.
He was a star athlete at Evergreen High School, where he received his diploma,
and played with the Evergreen Greenies in 1948 after completing a hitch in the
June 2, 1949 - Thirty-four men and four ladies were
scheduled to tee off on this afternoon at the Evergreen Country Club golf
course in the Evergreen Golf Club’s Handicap Tournament. The golfers were to
start play at 1:30 on this afternoon. Men in the tourney included Truman Hyde,
Jack Newman, Horace Deer, C.T. Ivey, Temple Millsap, Dr. Bill Turk, Waynard
Price, Sam Cope, Henry Sessions, Roy Pace, Ray Canterbury, Lawton Kamplain,
Bayne Petrey, Frank Johnson, Bob Bozeman, Bonnie King, Sam Granade, Bill
Cardwell, C.A. Jones, Dr. Joe Hagood, Alfred Long, Harry Monroe, Byron Warren,
Willard Williams, Edwin Page, Knud Nielsen, Zell Murphy, L.K. Wiggins, Hub
Robinson, Bob Kendall Jr., Billy Carleton, Vernon Millsap, Sonny Prie and
Herman Bolden. Women in the tourney included Helen Kamplain, Velma Cope, Mary
Nielsen and Katie Newman.
June 2, 1949 – The Evergreen Courant reported that the
Bank of Evergreen was being remodeled. Work was fast approaching completion on
a vast remodeling project at the Bank of Evergreen. The building was being done
over entirely on the inside. The working space was being shifted over from the
west to the east side of the building, incidentally shifting the lobby, which
had been decreased in size considerably to make room for an office in front. In
addition to the old entrance, which was to be retained as heretofore, another
entrance had been made to enter the lobby from the hallway. New and modern
fixtures were being installed, including individual tellers’ cages.
June 2, 1955 – Former Evergreen Courant editor and publisher
Lamar W. Matkin passed away at the age of 79 and is buried at Pine Crest Cemetery
in Mobile, Ala.
June 2, 1959 - Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox got his
2,500th hit of his career.
June 2, 1964 - Frank T. Salter of Evergreen, Ala. won
nomination to the office of Judge of Probate of Conecuh County over veteran
Judge Lloyd G. Hart in this Tuesday’s Democratic Primary Election. Nomination
was tantamount to election in Conecuh. Salter rolled past Hart by a complete,
but unofficial, count of 1,935 to 1,591. His margin of 344 votes came as a
surprise to many political observers, although his victory had been predicted
freely in the closing days of the runoff campaign. Salter, brother of State
Rep. Wiley Salter, carried 27 of the county’s 38 boxes. The new judge-nominate
was 38 years old and a native of Conecuh County. He graduated from the Lyeffion
High School, earned his BS degree at Troy State College and his Masters at
Auburn University. Salter served overseas in World War II with the U.S. Army
and was recalled to active duty and served overseas again during the Korean
War. Hart was elected judge of probate in 1946 and was re-elected without
opposition in 1952 and 1958.
June 2, 1965 – During the Vietnam
War, the first contingent of Australian combat troops arrived by plane in
Saigon. They joined the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade at Bien Hoa air base.
June 2, 1966 - Surveyor I soft landed on the moon and began
transmitting detailed photos.
June 2, 1967 - Capt. Howard Levy,
30, a dermatologist from Brooklyn, was convicted by a general court-martial in
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, of willfully disobeying orders and making
disloyal statements about U.S. policy in Vietnam.
June 2, 1976
– NBA point guard Earl Boykins was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He went on to play
for Eastern Michigan, the New Jersey Nets, the Cleveland Cavaliers, the Orlando
Magic, the Los Angeles Clippers, the Golden State Warriors, the Denver Nuggets,
the Milwaukee Bucks, the Charlotte Bobcats, the Washington Wizards and the
Houston Rockets.
June 2, 1981 - Timmy Trawick and Gary Shewbrey, both of
Goodway, killed a five-foot, 10.5-inch rattlesnake on the Old Stage Road. They killed
the snake with an eight-foot piece of plywood. The snake has 12 rattles and one
June 2, 1983 – Leroy, Ala. native and Oakland A’s first
baseman Kelvin Moore appeared in his final Major League Baseball game.
June 2, 1984 - William Ward was selected by the Conecuh
County CowBelles as the 1984 Father of the Year. The plaque was presented by
Mrs. Lynn Davis, vice president of the Conecuh County CowBelles, at their
annual Father’s Day Banquet on this Saturday night at the Lyeffion High School
June 2, 1985 - Tommy Sandt was ejected from a Major League Baseball
game before the national anthem was played. He had complained to the umpire
about a call against his team the night before.
June 2, 1990 - Randy Johnson achieved the first no-hitter in
Seattle Mariner history.
June 2, 1990 - The Lower Ohio Valley tornado outbreak
spawned 66 confirmed tornadoes across four states, starting on this date.
June 2, 1993 – National Baseball Hall of Fame first baseman
Johnny Mize passed away in Demorest, Ga. at the age of 80. During his career,
he played for the St. Louis Cardinals, the New York Giants and the New York
Yankees. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1981.
June 2, 1995 - Hideo Nomo got his first Major League
Baseball victory.
June 2, 1996 - Tim Belcher of the Kansas City Royals won his
100th career game.
June 2, 1997 – In Denver, Timothy McVeigh was convicted on
15 counts of murder and conspiracy for his role in the 1995 bombing of the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. He was executed four years
June 2, 1999 - A ribbon-cutting was held on this Wednesday
at 1 p.m. for Various Supplies, owned by Bonnie and Bobby Stokes. They offered
discounts on all fishing and hunting supplies, office supplies and equipment,
and much more. They were located across from the Conecuh County Courthouse.
June 2, 2000 - Fred McGriff of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays
became the 31st major league player to hit 400 career home runs.
June 2, 2003 - In Seville, Spain, a chest containing the
supposed remains of Christopher Columbus were exhumed for DNA tests to
determine whether the bones were really those of the explorer. The tests were
aimed at determining if Columbus was currently buried in Spain's Seville
Cathedral or in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic.
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