Monday, December 2, 2013

The Evergreen Courant's News Flashback for Dec. 2, 2013

Alabama Governor Guy Hunt
DEC. 6, 2001

Local weather reporter Harry Ellis reported .08 inches of rain on Nov. 28, 2001 and .87 inches of rain on Nov. 29, 2001. He reported high temperatures of 81 degrees on Nov. 26 and Nov. 27 and a low of 41 on Nov. 30.

“The new Conecuh County Jail, one of Leadership Conecuh County Class of 1998’s projects, is finally nearing completion. Plans are underway for Leadership 2002.”

“Representing the grand marshals for the 2002 Evergreen Christmas Parade, set for this Saturday at 4 p.m., are Matthew Davis, Evergreen Fire Chief, and James Simpson, Evergreen Police Chief. They are pictured with Eric Basinger, Executive Director of the Evergreen-Conecuh Chamber of Commerce, who is sponsoring the parade.”

“Utopia Cassady received certification from the Alabama Supreme Court to practice law on Sept. 28, 2001 after successfully completing the bar examination in the summer of 2001.
“Cassady received her doctorate degree in law from the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law in Montgomery, where she achieved the highest grade point average in her class at the conclusion of her first year of law school
“Cassady will practice law with her husband, Max Cassady. Effective Oct. 1, 2001, the firm was renamed Cassady & Cassady. The firm has moved into new offices across from the post office in Evergreen.”

DEC. 4, 1986

Local weather reporter Earl Windham reported 1.65 inches of rain on Nov. 25, 1986, .81 inches on Nov. 28 and 1.54 inches on Nov. 29. He reported highs of 76 on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26. He reported lows of 47 on Nov. 27 and Nov. 28. Total rainfall for the month of November was 8.22 inches.

“The Fuji Blimp created some excitement when it made a scheduled stop at the Evergreen Municipal Airport Middleton Field last week. The blimp got weather in and didn’t get airborne until Tuesday. The blimp, the small of two Fuji Corp. blimps, is 170 feet long and can reach airspeeds over 50 knots with its two Porsche 911 engines.”

“Governor Elect Guy Hunt has appointed Michael J. Evans to his 79-member transition team. Evans, who is a native of Evergreen (China community), presently resides in Montgomery and is Executive Director of the Rural Alabama Development Corporation, a statewide employment and training agency.”

“Ross Ryals, the son of Evergreen residents Kenneth and Margarette Smith, has been appointed as a supreme court justice to the Auburn University at Montgomery Student Government Association for the 1986-87 school year.”

“Evergreen resident Sarah Noble has been awarded a Vice Chancellor’s scholarship to Auburn University for the 1986-87 academic year.”

DEC. 2, 1971

“Capt. Ronald T. Golson left Nov. 23 for his second tour of duty in Vietnam.”

“Lynn Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Lynch formerly of Evergreen, was third runner-up in the Mary Montgomery High School (Mobile) Beauty Pageant on Nov. 19. The former Sparta Academy student was one of 36 contestants.”

“Members of the Class of 1946, Evergreen High School, held a silver anniversary reunion at The Murphy Club on Friday. The turnout for the class’ first reunion since graduation was excellent with 32 of the 52 members present at various times in the afternoon and evening.”

“State Rep. J.E. (Jimmy) Warren of Castleberry said today that he would oppose any proposal in the special session of the legislature which opened Tuesday that would increase taxes.”

“Conecuh County 1971 Christmas Seal Chairman, Mrs. R.G. Kendall Jr., announce that once again the citizens of Conecuh County are showing their faith in the voluntary fight against tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases by supporting the campaign.”

“Conecuh County Public Schools have received a grant from the U.S. Office of Education under the Emergency School Assistance Program for the school year 1971-72. This grant is in the amount of $64,388 and provides for the services of five counselors and 12 teacher aides in the various schools.”

DEC. 6, 1956

“Thousands gathered in Evergreen yesterday to watch the Seventh Annual Christmas Carnival parade, described by some witnesses as the best seen here in many years. The crowd was conservatively estimated at 4,000 and by some observers as high as 6,000.”

“Miss Sylvia Harrison was crowned Queen Joy and Miss Bessie Ruth Butler was named Princess Gaiety in ceremonies at the Seventh Annual Christmas Carnival here yesterday. Miss Harrison was escorted by Autel Brantley, and Miss Butler by William Ashcraft. Both young ladies represented Repton High School.
“Other contestants and their escorts in the contest were: Castleberry, Miss Louise Turner, escort, Robert Warr, Miss Betty Jane Smith, escort, Dewey James; Lyeffion, Miss Mamie Lou Fields, escort, Robert Riley, Miss Jennie Lou Johnson, escort, Lyle Salter; Evergreen, Miss Caroline Morrison, escort Charles Searcy and Miss Shirley Watson, escort, Bert Tuggle.”

“Rev. Sam Granade, pastor of the Evergreen Baptist Church, has been appointed chairman of the Red Cross Fund Drive, according to the Conecuh Chapter, chairman, Rev. J.H. Bullington. Clarence Miller will be the co-chairman.”

“In a very impressive ceremony on Tuesday of this week, the Woodmen of the World, national fraternal insurance organization, presented a flagpole and a flag to the Brockton School. The pole, a 43-foot seamless steel tube, was manufactured by Southern Coach Manufacturing Co., who made a special effort and price on the structure for the benefit of the gift.”

DEC. 4, 1941

“Freeborn Mixon Charged With Shooting: Freeborn Mixon was arrested Monday on an affidavit which charged him with shooting his brother-in-law, Dr. W.A. Stacey. It is said the shooting took place in a pasture on the Stacey plantation. A shotgun was used which was loaded with No. 4 or 5 shot. Dr. Stacey was hit by several shot but his wounds were said to not be of a serious nature. Mr. Mixon had not made bond Wednesday afternoon.”

“Rev. W.F. Cann was returned as pastor of the Evergreen Methodist church at the Conference held in Mobile last week. He is beginning his fifth year here.”

“The annual Thanksgiving squirrel fry had to be postponed because of weather conditions, although the crowd of visitors gathered at various homes and enjoyed the day.”

“Dr. and Mrs. R.W. Stallworth accompanied their little daughter, Betty, to Mobile Sunday where she underwent an operation of appendicitis Monday at the Mobile Infirmary.”

“Tax collector John H. Tranum received earlier this week for $18,791.83 in payment of L&N Railroad Co., taxes for this year. The L&N is the county’s largest taxpayer by far. The next largest taxpayer among the corporations is the Alger-Sullivan Lumber Co., with taxes at $8,359.30. Next is T.R. Miller Mill Co., with taxes at $3,542.55; W.T. Smith Lumber Co., $2,438.48 and the Alabama Power Co., $2,230.39.”

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