Released in November, this 129-page book is a must-read for
Masons who are interested in learning more about what makes the Masonic
fraternity special and why it has survived for centuries, often in the face of
powerful enemies. Many of us are familiar with the major historical events that
have helped shape the fraternity over the years, and I expected Gorley to
rehash many these subjects in his book. However, I was pleasantly surprised to
find that Gorley offered so much more between the covers of “Freemasonry
Not only did he discuss relatively well-known subjects like
Anti-Masonry and the Morgan Affair as well as the significance of the “Forget
Me Not” flower pin, but Gorley also offered up dozens of interesting, but
lesser known, Masonic stories to illustrate his points and ideas. Gorley does
so skillfully, and a close reading of his book makes the depth of his Masonic
scholarship very apparent.
Stories in the book that Masons can look forward to reading
include Civil War Masonic stories like John Elliott Hart’s Masonic burial by
brothers across enemy lines and the unique life of Ely S. Parker, a Native
American, who beat the odds to become a Mason, a Union officer and a close
friend of future president Ulysses S. Grant. Gorley also details the
lesser-known story of how the “Blue Slipper” lapel pin for women came to be and
the sufferings of John Custos, a Swiss Mason who fell into the hands of the
Gorley also provides unique facts about how freemasonry
helped form many American universities and promoted free public education
across the country. He also takes a fascinating look at the dark times
surrounding European freemasonry and the rise of Nazism in the years leading up
to World War II.
Gorley is especially well suited to write this book. A
frequent contributor to “The Working Tools Masonic Magazine,” he is also a
Master Masonic Scholar and Certified Lecturer for the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania. An editor for Lewis Masonic, a 213-year-old publishing company
that specializes in books about freemasonry, Gorley is also a book review
editor for the Bonisteel Masonic Library, and he owns the Masonic education Web
site, www.drivenbylight.net.
“Freemasonry Defined” left me feeling motivated and inspired
to do more as a Mason. It made me want to do more for my lodge and to find ways
to make lodge meetings more meaningful and memorable. As Gorley points out in
his book, the aim of freemasonry is to make good men better, and you’ll
definitely be better off having read this fine book.
In the end, I highly recommend “Freemasonry Defined” to all
Masons in the reading audience, especially to Masons looking for fresh examples
of the best that freemasonry has to offer. Copies of the book are available
through Amazon.com and www.drivenbylight.net. “Freemasonry Defined” will make a
fine addition to any Mason’s personal library and will also make a great gift
for the Mason in your family or in your circle of brothers.
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